
    author = {Thurner, Martin and Beer, Christian and Carvalhais, Nuno and Ciais, Philippe and Forkel, Matthias and Friend, Andrew and Ito, Akihiko and Kleidon, Axel and Lomas, Mark and Quegan, Shaun and Rademacher, Tim Tito and Santoro, Maurizio and Schaphoff, Sibyll and Schmullius, Christiane and Tum, Markus and Wiltshire, Andy},
    title = {{C}limate-related large-scale variation in forest carbon turnover rate - {E}valuating global vegetation models using remote sensing products of biomass and {N}{P}{P}},
    booktitle = {{G}eophysical {R}esearch {A}bstracts},
    year = {2017},
    pages = {EGU2017-5612},
    journal = {{C}opernicus},
    volume = {Vol. 19},
    issn = {1029-7006},
    note = {poster presentation: {E}uropean {G}eosciences {U}nion, {G}eneral {A}ssembly 2017 ({E}{G}{U} 2017), {W}ien; 2017-04-23 -- 2017-04-28}