
    author = {Vandemaele, Michiel and Kaczer, Ben and Tyaginov, S. E. and Stanojevic, Zlatan and Makarov, Alexander and Chasin, A and Bury, E. and Mertens, H. and Linten, D and Groeseneken, Guido},
    title = {{Full (V{$_{g}$}, V{$_{d}$}) Bias Space Modeling of Hot-Carrier Degradation in Nanowire FETs}},
    booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the {I}{E}{E}{E} {I}nternational {R}eliability {P}hysics {S}ymposium ({I}{R}{P}{S})},
    year = {2019},
    pages = {1--7},
    url = {http://www.iue.tuwien.ac.at/pdf/ib_2019/CP2019_Vandemaele_2.pdf},
    isbn = {978-1-5386-9504-3},
    doi = {10.1109/IRPS.2019.8720406},
    note = {talk: {I}{E}{E}{E} {I}nternational {R}eliability {P}hysics {S}ymposium ({I}{R}{P}{S}), {M}onterey, {C}{A}, {U}{S}{A}; 2019-03-31 -- 2019-04-04}