
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

G. Biegelbauer, A. Pichler, M. Vincze:
"Automatic Robotic Spray Painting of Unknown Parts";
Vortrag: 13th International DAAAM Symposium '02, Wien; 23.10.2002 - 26.10.2002; in: "Anals of DAAAM for 2002 & Proceedings of the 13th International DAAAM Symposium", B. Katalinic (Hrg.); (2002), ISBN: 3-901509-29-1; S. 35 - 36.

Kurzfassung englisch:
This paper presents an approach to automatically program a robot to paint any series of parts. The solution uses four steps: laser triangulation sensing, geometric feature detection, tool path planning, and the generation of the collision-free executable robot program. Demonstrations at industrial partners show the results.

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