
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

L. Mehnen, E. Kaniusas:
"The SSETI Knowledge Base System";
Vortrag: Proceedings of the AMSAT-UK 21st Annual Colloquium, Guildford, Surrey; 28.07.2006 - 30.07.2006; in: "Proceedings of the AMSAT-UK 21st Annual Colloquium", M. Sweeting (Hrg.); AMSAT-UK, 21 (2006), S. 61 - 62.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The SSETI Knowledge Base is an online resource for management of knowledge pertaining to student built spacecraft. It provides the means for the computerised collection, organisation, and retrieval of knowledge in a human-readable form. It is designed to allow students to submit lessons learned, working procedures, problems and solutions, and to retrieve and use such knowledge for training purposes and troubleshooting. The primary benefit of this Knowledge Base is to provide a means to discover solutions to problems that have already been solved by other users and which can be re-applied by other, less experienced students in specific problem areas of student spacecraft.

The most important aspect of a Knowledge Base is the quality of information it contains, therefore the articles are carefully written, kept up to date and are reviewed by experts. Additionally an information retrieval system, as well as a carefully designed content format and a theme / phase related classification structure, helps to sort, search and understand the required information.
Determining what type of information is captured, and where that information resides in the SSETI Knowledge Base, is something that is determined by the processes that supports the system. Therefore an alumni system of students / ex-students who participated in former projects and (retired) ESA experts build the basis for filling the Knowledge Base with information and reviewing it if necessary.

This system is presented for information and comments from the amateur radio community, with a view to eventually releasing the Knowledge Base into the public domain when it has reached a sufficient level of maturity.
Cooperation between alumni of SSETI projects and experienced radio amateur satellite users has the potential to form a solid and reliable base of knowledge providing strong technical support, via this online resource, to the dynamic SSETI and AMSAT communities.

SSETI Knowledge Base