
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

F. Keplinger, J. Kuntner, A. Jachimowicz, F. Kohl:
"Sensitive Measurement of Flow Velocity and Flow Direction Using a Circular Thermistor Array";
Poster: GMe Workshop 2006, Wien; 13.10.2006; in: "GMe Workshop 2006 Proceedings", K. Riedling (Hrg.); (2006), ISBN: 978-3-901578-17-5; S. 133 - 137.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Eight highly sensitive amorphous germanium thermistors (TCR = -1.8%/K) are the sensitive part of the micromachined sensors for flow velocity and flow direction. Carried by a 1.3 µm thick diaphragm they measure temperature differences generated by the sample flow and a heater (430 µW). This allows gas flow measurements in the range from 0.025 m/s to about 3 m/s with a sensitivity of up to 30 mV/(m/s). Two orthogonal pairs of opposed thermistors feature a sensitivity of 150 µV/°. An increase in sensitivity (50%) is gained by using two 90° rotated thermistors situated in the downstream position.

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