
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

G. Artner:
"Impact of Carbon-Fiber Composites on Vehicular Antenna Design";
Poster: BMW Summer School 2014: Autonomous Driving in the Internet of Cars, Bad Wiessee, Bavaria; 27.07.2014 - 01.08.2014.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Vehicles communicate with their environment and each other. Cars detect and avert danger faster than any human possibly could - excessively so, they drive autonomously while providing us with the comfort of our living room and the connectivity of our workplace. Advances in communication systems are already making this vision a reality and new antenna concepts will enable the reliable data rates.
The state of the art for vehicular antennas is to strap them onto the roof. I will present concepts that integrate MIMO antennas for ITS G5, GPS, UMTS and LTE into the vehicles chassis. A streamlined car design reduces wind resistance and boosts the sustainability of transportation by cutting down fuel consumption.
With the use of carbon fiber composites (CFC) in the i3 BMW has introduced this high-tech material in commercially available cars. Compared to historical chassis materials, reinforced carbon fibers offer a greater mechanical stability and reduced weight of the vehicle.
I present the impact of CFC on antenna performance and provide a characterization of the electrical properties of CFC in the GHz range. Additionally I present concepts that utilize carbon fiber composites for the inclusion of conformal antennas into the vehicles´ chassis.

vehicle, car, antenna, autonomous, carbon, composite, conformal, IoT