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Publication list for
Jakob Frank
E194 - Institute of Information Systems Engineering
as author or essentially involved person
Printed Original Contributions

8 records (2007 - 2009)

Printed Original Contributions

8 records:

Publications in Scientific Journals
  1. J. Frank, T. Lidy, E. Peiszer, R. Genswaider, A. Rauber:
    "Creating Ambient Music Spaces in Real and Virtual Worlds";
    Multimedia Tools and Applications, 44 (2009), 3; 449 - 468.


Contributions to Books
  1. S. Siltanen, C. Woodward, S. Valli, P. Honkamaa, A. Rauber, J. Frank, T. Lidy, R. Neumayer:
    "Natural/ Novel User Interfaces for Mobile Devices";
    in: "Multimodal Processing and Interaction - Audio, Video, Text", issued by: Springer; Springer, 2008, ISBN: 978-0-387-76315-6.


Contributions to Proceedings
  1. R. Neumayer, J. Frank, P. Hlavac, T. Lidy, A. Rauber:
    "Bringing mobile based map access to digital audio to the end user";
    Talk: ICIAP- International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, Modena, Italy; 09-11-2007 - 09-13-2007; in: "ICIAP 2007 Workshops", IEEE, (2007), ISBN: 0-76952921-6; 9 - 14.


  2. R. Mayer, J. Frank, A. Rauber:
    "Analytic Comparison of Audio Feature Sets using Self-Organising Maps";
    Talk: WEMIS 2009 - Workshop on Exploring Musical Information Spaces, Korfu; 10-01-2009 - 10-02-2009; in: "WEMIS 2009 - Workshop on Exploring Musical Information Spaces", University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain (2009), ISBN: 978-84-692-6082-1; 62 - 67.


  3. J. Frank, T. Lidy, E. Peiszer, R. Genswaider, A. Rauber:
    "Ambient music experience in real and virtual worlds using audio similarity";
    Talk: 1st ACM Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experiences (SAME 2008), Vancouver, Canada; 10-31-2008; in: "Proceedings of the 1st ACM Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experiences (SAME 2008)", ACM, (2008), ISBN: 978-1-60558-314-3; 9 - 16.


  4. J. Frank, T. Lidy, P. Hlavac, A. Rauber:
    "Map-Based Music Interfaces for Mobile Devices";
    Poster: ACM Multimedia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; 10-27-2008 - 10-31-2008; in: "Proceeding of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia", ACM, (2008), ISBN: 978-1-60558-303-7; 981 - 982.


  5. J. Frank:
    "Analysing and Evaluating Playlists on Music Maps";
    Talk: Workshop on Data Analysis (WDA'2009), Certovica, Vysná Boca, Slovakia (invited); 07-02-2009 - 07-04-2009; in: "Proceedings of the 9th International Student Workshop", F. Babic, J. Paralic, A. Rauber (ed.); (2009), ISBN: 978-80-89284-41-2; 10 - 17.


  6. J. Frank:
    "Enhancing Music Maps";
    Talk: Workshop on Data Analysis WDA´2008, Dedinky, Slovakia (invited); 06-26-2008 - 06-29-2008; in: "Proceedings of the 8th International Student Workshop WDA 2008", F. Babic, J. Paralic, A. Rauber (ed.); EQUILIBRIA, s.r.o., (2008), ISBN: 978-80-89284-21-4; 53 - 59.
