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Publikationsliste für
Roland Reihsner
E202 - Institut für Mechanik der Werkstoffe und Strukturen
als Autorin / Autor bzw. wesentlich beteiligte Person

103 Datensätze (1985 - 2020)

Die Publikationen der Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen sind erst ab dem Jahr 2002 vollzählig in der Publikationsdatenbank enthalten. Publikationen aus den Jahren vor 2002 können, müssen aber nicht in der Datenbank vorhanden sein.


W. Anderl, P. Heuberer, B. Laky, B. Kriegleder, R. Reihsner, J. Eberhardsteiner:
"Superiority of Bridging Techniques with Medial Fixation on Initial Strength";
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 20 (2012), S. 2559 - 2566.

W. Anderl, R. Reihsner, P. Heuberer, B. Kriegleder, J. Eberhardsteiner:
"Comparison of the Stability of Different Arthroscopic Tendon Fixation Techniques in Dynamic Tests";
Strain, 47 (2011), S. 421 - 429.

M. Ausweger, E. Binder, O. Lahayne, R. Reihsner, G. Maier, M. Peyerl, B. Pichler:
"Early-Age Evolution of Strength, Stiffness, and Non-Aging Creep of Concretes: Experimental Characterization and Correlation Analysis";
Materials, 12 (2019), 2; 17 S.

R. Beer, J. Eberhardsteiner, F. Pulay, R. Reihsner:
"Zweiachsiges Testen anisotroper Werkstoffe - Konstruktion geeigneter Prüfmaschinen";
ÖIAZ - Österreichische Ingenieur- und Architektenzeitschrift, 137 (1992), 11; S. 544 - 549.

R. Beer, E. Prosquill, R. Reihsner:
"Neue epidural arbeitende Gehirndrucksonde - Labortests und Tierversuche - Stand der Entwicklung";
E&I Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 117 (2000), 4; S. 261 - 265.

E. Binder, R. Reihsner, Y. Yuan, H.A. Mang, B. Pichler:
"High-Dynamic Compressive and Tensile Strength of Specimens Made of Cementitious Materials";
Cement and Concrete Research, 129 (2020), 105890.

J. Garab, R. Reihsner, J. Eberhardsteiner:
"Mechanical Behavior of Spruce under Triaxial Compression";
Wood Research, 57 (2012), 1; S. 57 - 68.

W. Huber, R. Reihsner, C. Trieb, A. Wanivenhaus, R. Beer:
"In-vitro Comparison of Biomechanical Efficiency of Three Cannulated Screws for Arthrodesis of the Hindfoot";
Foot & Ankle International, 29 (2008), 2; S. 225 - 230.

M. Irfan-Ul-Hassan, M. Königsberger, R. Reihsner, Ch. Hellmich, B. Pichler:
"How Water-Aggregate Interactions Affect concrete Creep: Multiscale Analysis";
Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics (ASCE), 7 (2017), 4.

M. Irfan-Ul-Hassan, B. Pichler, R. Reihsner, Ch. Hellmich:
"Elastic and Creep Properties of Young Cement Paste, as Determined from Hourly Repeated Minute-Long Quasi-Static Tests";
Cement and Concrete Research, 82 (2016), S. 36 - 49.

P. Karte, M. Hlobil, R. Reihsner, W. Dörner, O. Lahayne, J. Eberhardsteiner, B. Pichler:
"Unloading-Based Stiffness Characterisation of Cement Pastes During the Second, Third and Fourth Day After Production";
Strain, 51 (2015), S. 156 - 169.

R. Kdolsky, R. Reihsner, R. Schabus, R. Beer:
"Measurement of stress-strain relationships and stress-relaxation in various synthetic ligaments";
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 2 (1994), S. 47 - 49.

R.K. Kdolsky, W. Mohr, H. Savidis-Dacho, R. Beer, S. Puig, R. Reihsner, S. Tangl:
"The Influence of Oral L-Arginine on Fracture Healing: An Animal Study";
Wiener Klinische Wochenzeitschrift, 117 (2005), 19-20; S. 693 - 701.

O. Lahayne, J. Eberhardsteiner, R. Reihsner:
"Tribological Investigations Carried out by a Linear Friction Tester";
Transactions of FAMENA, 33 (2009), S. 15 - 22.

O. Lahayne, B. Pichler, R. Reihsner, J. Eberhardsteiner, J. Suh, D. Kim, S. Nam, H. Paek, B. Lorenz, B. Persson:
"Rubber Friction on Ice: Experiments and Modeling";
Tribology Letters, 62 (2016), 17.

K. Luczynski, T. Brynk, B. Ostrowska, W. Swieszkowski, R. Reihsner, Ch. Hellmich:
"Consistent Quasi-Static and Acoustic Elasticity Determination of PLLA-Based Rapid-Prototyped Tissue Engineering Scaffolds";
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 101 (2013), 1; S. 138 - 144.

K. Luczynski, T. Brynk, B. Ostrowska, W. Swieszkowski, R. Reihsner, Ch. Hellmich:
"Consitent Quasi-Static and Ultrasonic Elasticity Determination of PLLA-based Rapid-prototyped Tissue Engineering Scaffolds";
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 6 (2012), S1; S. 392.

H.A. Mang, J. Eberhardsteiner, Ch. Hellmich, K. Hofstetter, A. Jäger, R. Lackner, K. Meinhard, H.W. Müllner, B. Pichler, Ch. Pichler, R. Reihsner, R. Stürzenbecher, M. Zeiml:
"Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures";
Engineering Structures, 31 (2009), 6; S. 1288 - 1297.

M. Melling, R. Reihsner, W. Pfeiler, M. Schnallinger, D. Karimian-Teherani, M. Behnam, S. Mostler, E.J. Menzel:
"Comparison of Palmar Aponeuroses from Individuals with Diabetes Mellitus and Dupuytren's Contracture";
The Anatomical Record, 255 (1999), 4; S. 401 - 406.

M. Melling, R. Reihsner, M. Steindl, D. Krimian-Therani, M. Schallinger, M. Behnam:
"Biomechanical stability of abductor pollicis longus muscles with variable numbers of tendineous insertions";
The Anatomical Record, 250 (1998), 4; S. 475 - 479.

E.J. Menzel, J. Neumüller, G. Sengoelge, R. Reihsner:
"Effects of aminoguanidine on ahesion molecule expression of human endothelial cells";
Pharmacology, 55 (1997), S. 126 - 135.

E.J. Menzel, R. Reihsner:
"Alterations of biochemical and biomechanical properties of rat tail tendons caused by non-enzymatic glycation and their inhibition by dibasic amino acids arginine and lysine";
Diabetologia, 34 (1991), S. 12 - 16.

E.J. Menzel, R. Reihsner:
"Comparison of the effect of different inhibitors on the non-enzymatic glycation of rat tail tendons and bovine serum albumin";
Ann. Clin. Biochem., 33 (1996), S. 241 - 248.

H. Millesi, D. Millesi, T. Basar, R. Reihsner:
"Ziel: Bessere Narben; Messungen an der Haut als Grundlage für die Wahl optimaler Incisionslinien";
Wiener Klinische Wochenzeitschrift, 11-12a (2001), S. 10 - 18.

H. Millesi, R. Reihsner, G. Hamilton, R. Mallinger, E.J. Menzel:
"Biomechanical properties of normal tendons, normal palmar aponeuroses and palmar aponeuroses from patients with Dupuytren's disease subjected to elastase and chondroitinase treatment";
Connective Tissue Research, 31 (1995), S. 109 - 115.

H. Millesi, G. Zöch, R. Reihsner:
"Mechanical properties of peripheral nerves";
Clin. Orthop., 314 (1994), S. 76 - 83.

H. Millesi, T. Rath, R. Reihsner, G. Zöch:
"Microsurgical neurolysis: its anatomical and physiological basis and its classification";
Microsurgery, 14 (1993), S. 430 - 439.

H. Millesi, R. Reihsner, D. Eberhard, R. Mallinger, G. Hamilton, E.J. Menzel:
"The mechanical properties of the palmar aponeurosis and its significance for the pathogenesis of Dupuytren's contracture";
Journal of Hand Surgery, 22B (1997), S. 510 - 517.

H.W. Müllner, A. Fritsch, Ch. Kohlhauser, R. Reihsner, Ch. Hellmich, D. Godlinski, A. Rota, R. Slesinski, J. Eberhardsteiner:
"Acoustical and Poromechanical Characterization of Titanium Scaffolds for Biomedical Applications";
Strain, 44 (2008), 2; S. 153 - 163.

T. Müllner, O. Kwasny, R. Reihsner, V. Lohnert, R. Schabus:
"Mechanical properties of a rat patellar tendon stress-shielded in situ";
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, 120 (2000), S. 70 - 74.

T. Müllner, W. Menth-Chiari, R. Reihsner, J. Eberhardsteiner, L. Engebretsen:
"Accuracy of Pressure and Flow Capacities of Four Arthroscopic Fluid Management Systems";
Arthroscopy, 17 (2001), S. 760 - 764.

T. Müllner, R. Reihsner, L. Mrkonjic, O. Kwasni, R. Schabus, M. Mittlboeck, V. Vécsei:
"Twisting of patellar tendon grafts does not reduce their mechanical properties";
Journal of Biomechanics, 31 (1998), 4; S. 311 - 315.

W. Pfeiler, R. Reihsner:
"Concentration dependence of short-range order in some concentrated aoolys";
Phys. Stat. Solidi, 97 (1986), S. 377 - 385.

W. Pfeiler, R. Reihsner:
"On the interpretation of thermal pre-treatment for the structural interpretation of CUMn-alloys";
J. Phys. F. Met. Phys., 15 (1985), S. 2547.

W. Pfeiler, R. Reihsner, D. Trattner:
"Log-normal distribution of relaxation times or two processes in the kinetics of short-range order relaxation?";
Scripta Met., 19 (1985), S. 199.

E. Prosquill, R. Beer, R. Reihsner, G. Schlag, W. Mauritz:
"Entwicklung einer neuen Hirndrucksonde";
Acta Chirurgica Austriaca, 31 (1999), 4; S. 243 - 246.

R. Reihsner, W. Huber, R. Beer:
"Biomechanical Criterion for Selecting Cancellous Bone Screws: Arthrodesis in the Hindfoot";
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 9 (2007), 2; S. 27 - 33.

R. Reihsner, M. Melling, W. Pfeiler, E.J. Menzel:
"Alterations of biochemical and two-dimensional biomechanical properties of human skin in diabetes mellitus as compared to effects of in vitro non-enzymatic glycation";
Clinical Biomechanics, 15 (2000), 15; S. 379 - 386.

R. Reihsner, E.J. Menzel:
"Mechanical changes in rat tail tendons induced by dibasic amino acids as a function of age";
Biorheology, 31 (1994), S. 37 - 55.

R. Reihsner, E.J. Menzel:
"On the orthogonal anisotropy of human skin as a function of anatomical region";
Connective Tissue Research, 34 (1996), S. 145 - 160.

R. Reihsner, E.J. Menzel:
"The influence of L-arginine on biomechanical parameters of native and non-enzymatically glycated rat tail tendons";
Connective Tissue Research, 31 (1994), S. 55 - 65.

R. Reihsner, E.J. Menzel:
"Two-dimensional stress-relaxation behavior of human skin as influenced by non-enzymatic glycation and the inhibitory agent aminoguanidine";
Journal of Biomechanics, 31 (1998), 11; S. 985 - 993.

R. Reihsner, E.J. Menzel, R. Mallinger, H. Millesi:
"Biomechanical properties of elastase treated palmar aponeuroses";
Connective Tissue Research, 26 (1991), S. 77 - 86.

R. Reihsner, R. Balogh, E.J. Menzel:
"Two-dimensional elastic properties of human skin in terms of incremental modelat the vivo configuration";
Medical Engineering & Physics, 17 (1995), S. 304 - 313.

R. Reihsner, R. Beer:
"Elastizität menschlicher Haut bei zweidimensionaler Beanspruchung";
ÖIAZ - Österreichische Ingenieur- und Architektenzeitschrift, 9 (1995), S. 299 - 303.

R. Reihsner, R. Beer, J. Eberhardsteiner, H. Millesi:
"Neuentwicklung einer Prüfmaschine für zweiachsige Festigkeitsuntersuchungen an anisotropen weichen biologischen Geweben mit Anwendungsbeispielen";
ÖIAZ - Österreichische Ingenieur- und Architektenzeitschrift, 143 (1998), 6; S. 262 - 266.

R. Reihsner, W. Pfeiler:
"Atomic short-range order in CuMn-alloys";
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 46 (1985), S. 1431 - 1445.

R. Reihsner, W. Pfeiler, E.J. Menzel:
"Comparison of normal and in vitro aging by non-enzymatic glycation as verified by differential scanning calorimetry";
Gerontology, 44 (1998), S. 85 - 90.

R. Schabus, R. Beer, R. Reihsner, O. Kwasni, R. Weinstabl, M. Wagner:
"Experimentelle Studie zur Qualifizierung von Wechsellastbeanspruchungen dercoracoclavicularen Verschraubung";
Hefte zur Unfallheilkunde, 181 (1986), S. 101 - 106.

L.R. Walzer, J. Menzel, R. Reihsner, M. Schemper:
"Stimulation der Kollagensynthese in Kaninchensehnen durch kontinuierliche Zugbelastung";
Handchir. Mikrochir. Plast. Chir., 20 (1988), S. 127 - 133.

G. Zöch, R. Beer, R. Reihsner, H. Millesi:
"Anpassung des Nervus Medianus an extreme Beugung und Streckung der oberen Extremität";
Acta Chirurgica Austriaca, 5 (1986), S. 491 - 495.

G. Zöch, R. Reihsner, H. Millesi:
"Elastic behavior of the median nerve and ulnar nerve in situ and in vitro [Dehnungsverhalten des Nervus Medianus und Nervus Ulnaris in situ und invitro]";
Handchir. Mikrochir. Plast. Chir., 21 (1989), 6; S. 305 - 309.

G. Zöch, R. Reihsner, H. Millesi:
"Stress and Strain in Peripheral Nerves";
Neuro Orthopaedics, 10 (1991), S. 73 - 82.


R. Beer, R. Reihsner, H. Millesi:
"Biomechanik weicher biologischer Gewebe";
in: "Experimentelle Methoden der Festkörpermechanik", H. Günther (Hrg.); Karl-Marx-Stadt, 1989, S. 6 - 22.

E.J. Menzel, J. Neumüller, R. Reihsner, M. Simanyi, A. Dunki, M. Fischer:
"Non-enzymatic glycation and endokine production in normal ageing and disease";
in: "Aspects of aging and disease", D.L. Knook, G. Hofecker (Hrg.); Fakultas Universitätsverlag, 1994, S. 95 - 102.

H. Millesi, R. Beer, R. Reihsner, W. Kovac, R. Mallinger:
"Änderungen des Elastizitätsverhaltens als pathogenetischer Faktor";
in: "Einheit der Vielfalt", Gerold Verlag, Wien, 1990, S. 371 - 393.

H. Millesi, R. Reihsner, J. Menzel, G. Hamilton, R. Mallinger:
"Changes in the Biomechanical Properties of Diseased Tissue as Pathogenetic Factors in Dupuytren's Contracture";
in: "Dupuytren's Disease", A. Berger, A. Delbrück, P. Brenner, R. Hinzmann (Hrg.); Springer, 1994, S. 178 - 189.

R. Reihsner:
"Biomechanische Eigenschaften des kollagenen Bindegewebes";
in: "Das kollagene Bindegewebe", R. Mallinger, J. Neumüller (Hrg.); Verlag Wilhelm Maudrich, 1988, S. 30 - 41.

R. Reihsner, E.J. Menzel:
"Age-dependent effects of non-enzymatic glycation on the biomechanical properties of connective tissue and their modification by arginine";
in: "Modifications of the rate of aging", A. Ruiz-Torres, G. Hofecker (Hrg.); Fakultas Universitätsverlag, 1992, S. 79 - 85.

Beiträge in Tagungsbänden

R. Beer, W. Huber, Z. Tomicevic, J. Kodvanj, R. Reihsner:
"Neck-Stem Coupling in Modular Hip Prothesis Mechanical Problems and Failure Analysis";
in: "Proceedings of the 26th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics", Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-902544-02-5, S. 9 - 10.

R. Beer, H. Millesi, R. Reihsner:
"Mechanical properties of human connective tissues";
in: "Proceedings of the 4th Danubia-Adria Symposium - Experimental methods in solid mechanics", Czech Society of Mechanics, 1986.

E. Binder, G. Maier, O. Lahayne, R. Reihsner, M. Ausweger, M. Peyerl, B. Pichler:
"Do Modern Concretes Exhibit Similar Early-Age Stiffness and Strength Developments as their Predecessors?";
in: "Proceedings of the 34th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics", University of Trieste, 2017, ISBN: 978-88-8303-863-1, Paper-Nr. 8049, 2 S.

E. Binder, R. Reihsner, O. Lahayne, J. Eberhardsteiner, B. Pichler:
"Adaptation of a Cruciform Testing Machine Zwick/Roell Z050 for Biaxial Compression Creep Experiments";
in: "Book of Extended Abstracts of the 36th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics", University of West Bohemia, 2019, ISBN: 978-80-261-0876-4, S. 109 - 110.

J. Eberhardsteiner, S. Schmid, O. Lahayne, R. Reihsner, B. Pichler:
"Micro-and Macroscopic Characterization of Granite";
in: "Proceedings of the 35th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics", Editura Printech, 2018, ISBN: 978-606-23-0874-2, S. 61 - 62.

A. Fritsch, R. Reihsner, H.W. Müllner, R. Slesinski, Ch. Hellmich, J. Eberhardsteiner, D. Godlinski, A. Rota:
"Uniaxial and Triaxial Mechanical Testing of Biomaterials for Bone Replacement";
in: "Book of Abstracts of the 23rd Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics", O. Bokuvka (Hrg.); University Zilina, 2006, ISBN: 80-8070-589-5, S. 127 - 128.

M. Hlobil, P. Karte, R. Reihsner, W. Dörner, J. Eberhardsteiner, B. Pichler:
"Mechanical Stiffness and Strength Testing of Cement Pastes at very Early Ages";
in: "Proceedings of the 30th Danubia-Adria-Symposium (DAS 30)", Croatian Society of Mechanics, 2013, ISBN: 978-953-7539-17-7, S. 226 - 227.

M. Irfan-Ul-Hassan, B. Pichler, R. Reihsner, Ch. Hellmich:
"Early-Age Short-Term Creep Characterization of Cement Pastes and Mortars";
in: "Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI 2015)", American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2015, 1 S.

M. Irfan-Ul-Hassan, B. Pichler, R. Reihsner, Ch. Hellmich:
"Minutes-long Creep Tests on Young Cement Pastes Provide Access to Creep Properties Relevant for Ageing Creep with a Duration of 2 Days";
in: "Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures", American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2015, Paper-Nr. 348, 10 S.

M. Königsberger, M. Irfan-Ul-Hassan, R. Reihsner, Ch. Hellmich, B. Pichler:
"Innovative Creep Testing on Cement Pastes Allows for Deciphering Creep of Concrete at Early Ages";
in: "Proceedings of the 33rd Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics (DAS 2016)", Slovenian Society of Experimental Mechanics, 2016, S. 24 - 25.

O. Lahayne, J. Eberhardsteiner, R. Reihsner:
"Tribological Investigations Using a Linear Friction Tester";
in: "Proceedings of the 25th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Developments in Experimental Mechanics", Powerprint, Praha, 2008, ISBN: 978-80-01-04162-8, S. 141 - 142.

K. Luczynski, T. Brynk, B. Ostrowska, W. Swieszkowski, R. Reihsner, Ch. Hellmich:
"Consistent Quasi-Static and Ultrasonic Elasticity Determination of PLLA-Based Rapid-Prototyped Tissue Engineering Scaffolds";
in: "Proceedings of the Ninth IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2012)", ACTA Press, Calgary, 2012, ISBN: 978-0-88986-909-7, S. 634 - 638.

H.A. Mang, J. Eberhardsteiner, Ch. Hellmich, K. Hofstetter, A. Jäger, R. Lackner, K. Meinhard, H.W. Müllner, B. Pichler, Ch. Pichler, R. Reihsner, M. Zeiml:
"Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures";
in: "Proceedings of the Czech-Argentine Biennale Workshop "e-Golems" - Interdisciplinary Aspects of Human-Machine Co-existence and Co-operation", V. Marik, P. Jacovkis, O. Stepankova, J. Klema (Hrg.); Czech Technical University in Prague, 2005, ISBN: 80-01-03275-2, S. 152 - 164.

H. Millesi, D. Eberhard, J. Knabl, R. Reihsner:
"Integumental stenosis as a cause for pain syndromes";
in: "Transactions of the 11th congress of the international confederation of plastic, reconstructive and aestetic surgery", Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, 1995, S. 367 - 369.

T. Müllner, W. Menth-Chiari, L. Engebretsen, R. Reihsner, J. Eberhardsteiner, V. Vécsei:
"Accuracy of Arthroscopic Fluid Management Systems";
in: "Book of Abstracts, ESSKA 2000 - 9th Congress of the European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthoscopy", European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthoscopy, London, UK, 2000, S. 275.

B. Pichler, M. Irfan-Ul-Hassan, R. Reihsner, M. Königsberger, Ch. Hellmich, H.A. Mang:
"Multiscale Structural Analysis";
in: "Book of Abstracts of the 20th Inter-Institute Seminar for Young Researchers", Cracow University of Technology, 2015, ISBN: 978-83-7242-684-0, S. 15.

R. Reihsner, R. Beer:
"Effects of elastase and chondroitinase on normal palmar aponeuroses and tissues from patients with Dupuytren's contracture";
in: "Proceedings of the IMEKO XII congress", IMEKO, Peking, 1991, S. 1.

R. Reihsner, R. Beer:
"Two-dimensional study of the rheological behavior of soft living tissues";
in: "19th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics - Abstracts", J. Stupnicki (Hrg.); ASESA, 2002, S. 12 - 13.

R. Reihsner, R. Beer, M. Gingerl, H. Millesi:
"Mechanical Model for a Flat Structural Inhomogeneous and Anisotropic Tissue";
in: "Proceedings of the 10th International DAAAM Symposium", Vienna University of Technology, Austria, 1999.

R. Reihsner, R. Beer, H. Millesi:
"Two-Dimensional Study of the Rheological Behavior of Soft Living Tissues";
in: "Proceedings of the 2nd IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering", B. Tilg (Hrg.); ACTA Press, 2004, ISBN: 0-88986-379-2, 4 S.

R. Reihsner, W. Huber, R. Beer:
"Biomechanical Criterion for Selecting Cancellous Bone Screws: Arthodesis at the Hindfoot";
in: "Book of Abstracts of the 23rd Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics", O. Bokuvka (Hrg.); University Zilina, 2006, ISBN: 80-8070-589-5, S. 121 - 122.

R. Reihsner, B. Kriegleder, P. Kochova, P. Heuberer, W. Anderl, J. Eberhardsteiner:
"The Stability of Tendon Fixation to Bone in Surgery";
in: "Book of Abstracts of the 23rd Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics", O. Bokuvka (Hrg.); University Zilina, 2006, ISBN: 80-8070-589-5, S. 125 - 126.

R. Reihsner, H. Millesi, R. Beer:
"Testing equipment to study the mechanical behavior of soft biological tissues";
in: "Proceedings of the Conference ", IMEKO, Moskau, 1989.

T. Schlappal, M. Schweigler, R. Reihsner, W. Dörner, J. Eberhardsteiner, B. Pichler:
"Structural Behavior of an Eccentrically Compressed Concrete Hinge";
in: "Proceedings of the 32nd Danubia-Adria-Symposium (DAS 32)", EDIS Zilinska Univerzita v Ziline, 2015, ISBN: 978-80-554-1094-4.

Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag)

R. Beer, J. Eberhardsteiner, F. Pulay, R. Reihsner:
"Biaxial Testing of Anisotropic Materials";
Poster: 8th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics, Gödöllo, Ungarn; 11.10.1991 - 12.10.1991.

M. Königsberger, M. Irfan-Ul-Hassan, R. Reihsner, Ch. Hellmich, B. Pichler:
"Innovative Creep Testing on Cement Pastes Allows for Deciphering Creep of Concrete at Early Ages";
Poster: 33rd Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Portoroz, Slovenia; 20.09.2016 - 23.09.2016.

O. Lahayne, J. Eberhardsteiner, R. Reihsner:
"Tribological Investigations Using a Linear Friction Tester (LFT)";
Poster: 25th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Budweis and Krumlov; 24.09.2008 - 27.09.2008.

H.W. Müllner, A. Fritsch, Ch. Kohlhauser, Ch. Hellmich, D. Godlinski, A. Rota, R. Reihsner, R. Slesinski, J. Eberhardsteiner:
"Acoustical and Poromechanical Characterization of Titanium Scaffolds for Biomedical Applications";
Poster: 23rd Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics, Podbanské-Zilina, Slovak Republic; 26.09.2006 - 29.09.2006.

T. Müllner, R. Reihsner, W. Menth-Chiari, J. Eberhardsteiner, R. Schabus:
"Rheological Studies on Clamps Designed for Biomechanical Test with Human Tendons";
Poster: 1. Wiener Symposium, Zukunftsperspektiven - neue Wege und Technolgien in der Unfallchirurgie, Wien, Austria; 11.01.2002 - 12.01.2002.

T. Müllner, R. Schabus, W. Menth-Chiari, R. Reihsner, J. Eberhardsteiner:
"Bioresorbierbare Fixationsmaterialien für Vkb-Transplantate";
Poster: 1. Wiener Symposium, Zukunftsperspektiven - neue Wege und Technolgien in der Unfallchirurgie, Wien, Austria; 11.01.2002 - 12.01.2002.

R. Reihsner:
"Adaptation of a Cruciform Testing Machine Zwick/Roell Z050 for Biaxial Compression Creep Experiments";
Vortrag: 36th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advanced in Experimental Mechanics, Plzen, Czech Republic; 24.09.2019 - 27.09.2019.

R. Reihsner, R. Beer:
"Two-dimensional study of the rheological behavior of soft living tissues";
Poster: 19th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics, Polanica Zdroj, Polen; 25.09.2002 - 28.09.2002.

R. Reihsner, R. Beer, J. Eberhardsteiner, H. Millesi:
"A New Testing Equipment for Biaxial Biomechanical Investigations with Flat Soft Connective Tissues such as Skin";
Poster: 13th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics, Rajecké Teplice, Slowakei; 26.09.1996 - 28.09.1996.

R. Reihsner, R. Beer, M. Gingerl, H. Millesi:
"Mechanische Messungen als Hilfsmittel der medizinischen Forschung";
Poster: Science Week, Wien; 01.05.2000.

R. Reihsner, B. Kriegleder, P. Kochova, P. Heuberer, W. Anderl, J. Eberhardsteiner:
"The Stability of Tendon Fixation to Bone in Surgery";
Poster: 23rd Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics, Podbanské-Zilina, Slovak Republic; 26.09.2006 - 29.09.2006.

R. Reihsner, T. Müllner, J. Eberhardsteiner, W. Menth-Chiari, W. Kaltenbrunner, M. Luxl:
"A New Cyro-Clamp Designed for Biomechanical Tests with Human Tendons and Ligaments";
Poster: 18th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics, Steyr; 26.09.2001 - 29.09.2001.

R. Reihsner, E. Prosquill, R. Beer, R.B. Leyerer:
"Measurement of the Intracranial Pressure - A new Device";
Poster: IMEKO XIV Congress, Tampere, Finnland; 30.09.1999.

R. Schabus, T. Müllner, W. Menth-Chiari, R. Reihsner, J. Eberhardsteiner:
"Die Primäre oder Revisions-VKB-Plastik mit STG Transplantaten";
Poster: 1. Wiener Symposium, Zukunftsperspektiven - neue Wege und Technolgien in der Unfallchirurgie, Wien, Austria; 11.01.2002 - 12.01.2002.

Wissenschaftliche Berichte

A. Fritsch, R. Reihsner, H.W. Müllner, R. Slesinski, Ch. Hellmich, J. Eberhardsteiner, W. Swieszkowski:
"Mechanical (triaxial) Testing on Biological Materials and Biomaterials";
Bericht für Network of Excellence "Knowledge-based Multicomponent Materials for Durable and Safe Performance - KMME-NoE"; 2006.

Ch. Hellmich, T. Brynk, Ch. Kohlhauser, H.W. Müllner, R. Reihsner, J. Eberhardsteiner, W. Swieszkowski, Z. Pakiela:
"Mechanical and Acoustical Testing of FGM-Biomaterials and Bioligical Materials";
Bericht für Network of Excellence "Knowledge-based Multicomponent Materials for Durable and Safe Performance (KMM-NoE)", Progress Report; 2007; 3 S.

Ch. Hellmich, Ch. Kohlhauser, A. Malasoma, T. Brynk, W. Swieszkowski, Z. Pakiela, J. Eberhardsteiner, R. Reihsner, H.W. Müllner:
"Mechanical and Acoustical Testing of FGM-Biomaterials and Biological Materials";
Bericht für Network of Excellence "Knowledge-based Multicomponent Materials for Durable and Safe Performance (KMM-NoE)", Deliverable Report; 2007; 9 S.

Ch. Hellmich, H.W. Müllner, Ch. Kohlhauser, A. Fritsch, R. Reihsner, J. Eberhardsteiner, R. Slesinski, W. Swieszkowski, Z. Pakiela:
"Mechanical (triaxial) Tests on Biological Materials and Biomaterials";
Bericht für Network of Excellence "Knowledge-based Multicomponent Materials for Durable and Safe Performance (KMM-NoE)", Deliverable Report; 2006; 7 S.

O. Lahayne, R. Reihsner, B. Pichler, J. Eberhardsteiner:
"Technology Research for Winter Performance Improvement - Activities 2013/2014: From LFT-Testing for Creation of a Comprehensive Friction Coefficient Database, via Roughness Characterisation of Different Ice Surfaces, to the Development of a Generalised Friction Law";
Bericht für Final Report for the Second Year of the Research Project for Hankook Tire Co., Ltd.; 2014; 58 S.

K. Luczynski, Ch. Hellmich, O. Lahayne, R. Reihsner, W. Swieszkowski, J. Jaroszewicz, T. Brynk, B. Ostrowska:
"Mechanical Characterization of Ceramic-Polymer-Based/Rapid-prototyped Biomaterials, Produced by WUT";
Bericht für Project BIO-CT-EXPLOIT #232164, EC Call FP7-SME-2008-1, Deliverable Report D6.2; 2011; 21 S.