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Publication list for
Alfred Fail
as author or essentially involved person

9 records (1980 - 2016)

The complete list of publications of the Faculty of Architecture and Regional Planning is available from the publication database beginning with the publication year 2002. The database may but need not necessarily contain publications dated earlier than 2002.

Books and Book Editorships

H. Ertl, A. Fail, E. Panzhauser:
"Natürliche Schachtlüftungsanlagen: Messung, Beurteilung, Planung";
Archivum Oekologiae Hominis, Wien, 1987, ISBN: 3-85412-013-3; 139 pages.

E. Panzhauser, Ulf Geppert, A. Fail:
"Energiedach in denkmalgeschützten Baugebieten";
Eigenverlag TU Wien, 1984, 72 pages.

Publications in Scientific Journals

M. Taheri, M. Schuss, A. Fail, A. Mahdavi:
"A performance assessment of an office space with displacement, personal, and natural ventilation systems";
Building Simulation, 9 (2016), 2.

Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry)

M. Taheri, M. Schuss, A. Fail, A. Mahdavi:
"Design Analysis of an Office Ventilation System via Calibrated CFD Application";
Talk: BauSim2014 - Human-centred building(s), Aachen, Deutschland; 2014-09-22 - 2014-09-24; in: "BauSim2014 - Gabäude für Menschen", C. van Treeck, D. Müller (ed.); Eigenauflage mit wissenschaftlichem Lektorat, (2014), ISBN: 978-3-00-047160-5; 7 pages.

M. Taheri, M. Schuss, A. Fail, A. Mahdavi:
"A comperative field study of space ventilation systems";
Talk: Indoor Air 2014 -, Hongkong, China; 2014-07-07 - 2014-07-12; in: "Indoor Air 2014", Y. Li et al. (ed.); Indoor Air - Eigenverlag, (2014), Paper ID B4X, 8 pages.

E. Panzhauser, A. Fail, A. Mahdavi, W. Heindl:
"Characteristic Values for Thermal Behavior of Building Components Compared with Respect to Their Practical Usability";
Talk: CIB W76 Energy Conservation in the Built Environment, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 1990-09-03 - 1990-09-06; in: "Energy, Moisture and Climate in Buildings _ Seminar 3: Surface Condensation and Mould Growth, contribution 3.14", (1990).

E. Panzhauser, A. Fail, A. Mahdavi:
"Adaptive ventilation windows";
Talk: international symposium of CIB W67 (Conseil International du Bâtiment), Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 1990-09-03 - 1990-09-06; in: "Energy, Moisture and Climate in Buildings _ Seminar 2: Strategies for Ventilating and Heating Buildings, contribution 2.11", (1990).

Doctor's Theses (authored and supervised)

A. Fail:
"Ein Beitrag zur Berechnung der natürlichen Lüftung im Hochbau : Fugenlüftung - Schachtlüftung - Fensterlüftung";
Supervisor, Reviewer: E. Panzhauser; TU Wien / Inst. f. bauphysikalische Grundlagen des Hochbaus, 1989; oral examination: 1989.

Diploma and Master Theses (authored and supervised)

A. Fail:
"Beitrag zum Problem der Prüfung von Sonnenkollektoren"; TU Wien / Inst. f. bauphysikalische Grundlagen des Hochbaus, 1980; final examination: 1980.