
    author = {Perdigues Armengol, Josep Maria and Furch, Bernhard and Matos, Clovis Jacinto de and Minster, Olivier and Cacciapuoti, Luigi and Pfennigbauer, Martin and Aspelmeyer, Markus and Jennewein, Thomas and Schmitt-Manderbach, Tobias and Baister, Guy and Rarity, John and Leeb, Walter and Barbieri, Cesare and Weinfurter, Harald and Zeilinger, Anton and others},
    title = {Quantum communications at ESA: Towards a space experiment on the ISS},
    journal = {Acta Astronautica},
    year = {2008},
    volume = {63},
    pages = {165--178},
    url = {http://publik.tuwien.ac.at/files/pub-et_13819.pdf},
    doi = {10.1016/j.actaastro.2007.12.039},
    keywords = {quantum communications, ISS}
@comment { WARNING: In the original publication record, the list of names in the field 'author' contains the addition 'et al.'! }