
    author = {Stefanov, Veronika and List, Beate},
    title = {Business Metadata for the Data Warehouse - Weaving Enterprise Goals and Multidimensional Models},
    booktitle = {Models for Enterprise Computing 2006 - International Workshop at EDOC 2006},
    year = {2006},
    publisher = {IEEE Digital Library},
    address = {DOI: 10.1109/EDOCW.2006.27},
    numpages = {9},
    eid = {20},
    url = {http://wit.at/people/stefanov/documents/iwmec2006_stefanov_list.pdf},
    issn = {1541-7719},
    keywords = {Business Metadata, Data Warehouse, Model Weaving, Enterprise Goals},
    note = {Vortrag: International Workshop on Models for Enterprise Computing (IWMEC) at the 10th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2006), Hongkong, China; 2006-10-16}