
    author = {Engel, Robert and Rantham Prabhakara, J.C.B. and Pichler, Christian and Zapletal, Marco and Huemer, Christian and Werthner, Hannes},
    title = {Inter-organizational Business Processes: On Redundancies in Document Exchanges},
    booktitle = {Effective, Agile and Trusted eServices Co-Creation},
    year = {2013},
    pages = {51--66},
    publisher = {Turku Centre for Computer Science},
    address = {TUCS Lecture Notes 19},
    url = {http://www.doria.fi/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10024/91642/LN19.digi.pdf?sequence=3#page=53},
    keywords = {EDI, Electronic Data Interchange, Redundancy, B2B, MIG},
    note = {Vortrag: 15th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC 2013), Turku, Finland; 2013-08-13 -- 2013-08-15}