
    author = {Trinkel, Verena and Cencic, Oliver and Rechberger, Helmut and Kieberger, Nina and B{\"u}rgler, Thomas and Fellner, Johann},
    title = {{C}hallenges in material flow accounting - {C}ace study iron production process},
    booktitle = {4. {W}issenschaftskongress {A}bfall- und {R}essourcenwirtschaft},
    year = {2014},
    editor = {Bockreis, Anke and Faulstich, Martin and Flamme, Sabine and Kranert, Martin and Nelles, Michael and Rettenberger, Gerhard and Rotter, Susanne},
    pages = {221--225},
    publisher = {{D}eutsche {G}esellschaft f{\"u}r {A}bfallwirtschaft e.v. ({D}{G}{A}{W})},
    isbn = {978-3-9811142-4-9},
    note = {{P}osterpr{\"a}sentation: 4. {W}issenschaftskongress {A}bfall- und {R}essourcenwirtschaft, {M}{\"u}nster; 2014-03-27 -- 2014-03-28}