
    author = {Honic, Meliha and Kovacic, Iva and Rechberger, Helmut},
    title = {{B}uilding {I}nformation {M}odelling, {D}ata- and {S}takeholder-{M}anagement {F}ramework for {M}aterial {P}assports},
    booktitle = {{C}onference {P}roceedings of the {E}ngineering {P}roject {O}rganization {C}onference ({E}{P}{O}{C}) 2018 - ({R}e){O}rganizing in an {U}ncertain {C}limate},
    year = {2018},
    pages = {553--569},
    keywords = {{M}aterial {P}assports, {R}ecycling, {B}uilding {I}nformation {M}odelling, {D}ata and {S}takeholder {M}anagement, {R}esources {E}fficiency},
    abstract = {{E}uropean {A}rchitecture, {E}ngineering and {C}onstruction industry ({A}{E}{C}) consumes a significant rate of materials like steel, aluminum, copper and plastics, thus creating a large reservoir on secondary raw materials in buildings. {O}ne of the main strategies of the {E}uropean {U}nion is to maximize recycling rates in order to minimize environmental impacts and the energy consumption caused by extraction of primary materials. {T}o enable circularity, and in consequence high recycling rates, information about the existing stock is necessary.\par
{T}he early design stages play a crucial role in the waste reduction, the reusability of the building elements as well as in the increase of the recycling potential. {A}s planners and architects are major decision makers regarding the design, materials, construction and assembly method, they bear large responsibility defining the resources efficiency over the life cycle. {I}n order to optimize the recycling potential and material composition of buildings, new design-centric tools and methods are required as well as tools, which enable a compilation of data repositories on the material composition\par
of buildings.\par
{T}he potential of an automated generation and data management for a {M}aterial {P}assport ({M}{P}) was tested through linking {B}{I}{M} to the {M}aterial {I}nventory and {A}nalysis {T}ool, thus allowing the assessment of embedded materials in buildings. {F}urther on,the {M}{P} acts as a crucial instrument for material manufacturers, construction companies, engineers and architects, recycling and waste companies and policymakers. {T}hereby the successful implementation of the {M}{P} in the {A}{E}{C} industry requires close collaboration of a broad spectrum of stakeholders, in order to achieve standardization and regulatory frameworks.\par
{T}he results show that the semi-automated compilation of a {M}{P} is possible, even though there exist several obstacles. {I}n this work, we also show the role of the stakeholders in generating a {M}{P} through a data and stakeholder framework.},
    note = {eingeladen; {V}ortrag: {E}ngineering {P}roject {O}rganization {C}onference ({E}{P}{O}{C}) 2018 - ({R}e){O}rganizing in an {U}ncertain {C}limate, {B}rijuni, {K}roatien; 2018-06-25 -- 2018-06-27}