
    author = {Honic, Meliha and Kovacic, Iva and Rechberger, Helmut},
    title = {{C}oncept for a {B}{I}{M}-based {M}aterial {P}assport for buildings},
    booktitle = {{I}{O}{P} {C}onference {S}eries: {E}arth and {E}nvironmental {S}cience ({E}{E}{S})},
    year = {2019},
    pages = {1--8},
    publisher = {{I}{O}{P} {P}ublishing {L}td.},
    address = {225},
    url = {https://publik.tuwien.ac.at/files/publik_286066.pdf},
    doi = {10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012073},
    keywords = {{M}aterial {P}assports; resources efficiency; recycling potential; {B}{I}{M}},
    abstract = {{M}inimisation of resources consumption belongs to the main concerns of {E}{U}, resulting in the development of strategies for maximizing recycling rates in order to minimize environmental impacts and energy consumption caused by extraction of primary materials. {D}etailed knowledge about the embedded materials as well as their characteristics of building stocks is crucial in order to enable high recycling rates and low environmental impacts of buildings. {I}n this paper, we will present the results of the funded research project {B}{I}{M}aterial: {P}rocess design for a {B}{I}{M} ({B}uilding {I}nformation {M}odelling) -based {M}aterial {P}assport. {T}he concept of the {B}{I}{M}-based {M}aterial {P}assport is used for evaluating the recycling potential and environmental impact of materials embedded in buildings. {T}he {B}{I}{M}-based {M}aterial {P}assport assesses all materials including their quantitative and qualitative properties, thus significantly supporting recycling and reduction of environmental impacts. {F}urther, the {B}{I}{M}-supported {M}aterial {P}assport serves as design optimization tool and enables the generation and comparison of variants thus supporting the decision making process. {T}he main aim of this research is to generate a {B}{I}{M}-based {M}aterial {P}assport for the optimization of the building design regarding resources use and documentation of materials, thereby using {B}uilding {I}nformation {M}odelling as knowledge base for geometry and material properties and coupling to further databases for assessment of ecologic footprint and recycling potentials. {T}hereby a framework for modelling and the methodology for the semi-automated generation of the {B}{I}{M}-based {M}aterial {P}assport will be proposed.},
    note = {eingeladen; {V}ortrag: {B}uildings {A}s {M}aterial {B}anks - {A} {P}athway {F}or {A} {C}ircular {F}uture ({S}{B}{E}19 {B}russels {B}{A}{M}{B}-{C}{I}{R}{C}{P}{A}{T}{H}), {B}r{\"u}ssel, {B}elgien; 2019-02-05 -- 2019-02-07}