
    author = {Hollerer, Siegfried and Fischer, Clara and Brenner, Bernhard and Papa, Maximilian and Schlund, Sebastian and others},
    title = {Cobot attack: a security assessment exempli{\&}{\#}64257;ed by a speci{\&}{\#}64257;c collaborative robot},
    booktitle = {Procedia Manufacturing},
    year = {2021},
    pages = {191--196},
    volume = {54},
    issn = {2351-9789},
    doi = {10.1016/J.promfg.2021.07.029},
    keywords = {Factory and Production Systems, Human-Robot Interaction, Collaborative Robots (Cobots), OT Security, Safety},
    note = {talk: 10th CIRP Sponsored Conference on Digital Enterprise Technologies (DET 2021) - Digital Technologies as Enablers of Industrial Competitiveness and Sustainability, Budapest; 2021-10-11 -- 2021-10-13}
@comment { WARNING: In the original publication record, the list of names in the field 'author' contains the addition 'et al.'! }