

J.-S. Lee, J. Fleig, J. Maier, T.-J. Chung, D.-Y. Kim:
"Microcontact impedance spectroscopy in nitrogen-graded zirconia";
Solid State Ionics, 176 (2005), S. 1711 - 1716.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Impedance spectroscopy with spatial resolution using a microcontact array has successfully been applied to nitrogen-graded zirconia to establish the conductivity variation with nitrogen dopant concentration. Impedance profiles were measured in two configurations: 1) using one microelectrode versus a large counter electrode and 2) measuring between two microelectrodes. A versatile equivalent circuit model was introduced which allows a straightforward analysis of the obtained spectra which exhibit inductive loops as frequently associated with two-microcontact measurements. The analysis unambiguously revealed a local conductivity anisotropy in the material.

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