
Contributions to Proceedings:

H. Hauser, F. Ledermann, H. Doleisch:
"Angular Brushing of Extended Parallel Coordinates";
in: "Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization 2002 (InfoVis 2002)", issued by: IEEE; IEEE, 2002, ISBN: 0-7695-1751-x, 127 - 130.

English abstract:
In this paper we present several extensions to the wellknown InfoViz technique of parallel coordinates, mainly concentrating on brushing and focus+context visualization.
First, we propose angular brushing as a new approach to high-light rational data-properties, i.e., features which depend on two data dimensions (instead of one). We also demonstrate smooth brushing of parallel coordinates as an intuitive tool for specifying non-binary degree-of-interest functions (then used for F+C visualization). Thirdly, we show how composite brushes provide lots of flexibility during data exploration. Additionally, we also present several further and more general extensions to parallel coordinates which there are (a) histograms to be used as axis overlays, (b) interaction features such as axis re-ordering, flipping, scaling and panning, and (c) detail on demand, implemented as a mouse-over effect.

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