
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

R. Obermaisser:
"Message Reordering for the Reuse of CAN-based Legacy Applications in a Time-Triggered Architecture";
Talk: IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, San Jose, California; 04-04-2006 - 04-07-2006; in: "Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2006)", IEEE Press, (2006), ISBN: 0-7695-2516-4; 301 - 310.

English abstract:
While CAN is the most widely used communication
protocol in present day distributed automotive
computer systems, time-triggered architecture will provide
the ability to handle the communication needs of future bywire
cars. In addition to hard real-time performance, timetriggered
architectures help in managing the complexity
of fault-tolerance and corresponding formal dependability
models, as required for the establishment of ultra-high
reliability (failure rates in the order of 10−9 failures/hour).
Virtual CAN networks on top of a time-triggered communication
protocol are a solution to integrate existing CANbased
legacy applications into such a time-triggered architecture.
Thus, there is the possibility to eliminate physical
CAN networks, which leads to cost reductions and reliability
improvements. In order to ensure that existing CAN-based
software works correctly in a time-triggered architecture, a
virtual CAN network must provide the temporal behavior
of a physical CAN network. For this reason, we develop a
solution for establishing in a virtual CAN network the same
temporal message order as in a physical CAN network. We
present a CAN protocol emulation algorithm and provide
validation results based on an implementation in the Time-
Triggered Architecture.