
Contributions to Proceedings:

J. Litzka:
"Austrian Experiences with winter maintenance on porous asphalt";
in: "9th International Confernce on Asphalt Pavements", issued by: Danish Road Directorate and ISAP; Proceeding, Kopenhagen, Dänemark, 2002, (invited).

English abstract:
The paper deals with the specific requirements for winter maintenance on sections with porous asphalt and the experiences in Austria with some additional informations from neighbouring countries. After extensive use of porous asphalt on motorways in Austria until the early nineties the application of this type of surface course has been reduced significantly. Besides other problems like clogging, durability and difficulties with local repairs the main reason for this change is the difficulty of winter maintenance on porous asphalt connected with increased risk for the highway operator. This is of special importance for the Austrian climatic situation with rather cold winters and a large numer of freeze-thaw cycles.