
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

B. Martens, H. Peter:
"Virtual Reconstruction of Synagogues: Systematic Maintenance of Modeling Data ";
Talk: eCAADe Conference (Education in CAAD in Europe), Warsaw; 09-17-2002 - 09-21-2002; in: "Design e-ducation - 20th eCAADe Conference Proceedings", eCAADe-Association, (2002), ISBN: 0-9541183-0-8; 512 - 517.

English abstract:
Computer-assisted reconstruction of no-longer existent (architectural) objects and their surroundings practically amounts to a "virtual comeback". Irreversible destruction having removed identity-establishing buildings from the urban surface for all times is the principal cause for the attempt of renewed imaginating. Following the destruction of the so-called "Reichskristall-Night" of November 1938 the synagogues of the Jewish community in Vienna surely are to be considered for a virtual reconstruction. 60 years later, in the commemorative year of 1998 the first synagogue reconstruction was initiated. The medium-range goal, however, aims at the reconstruction of at least ten further synagogues within a project to be carried out in stages to be pursued over a period of several years. Fluctuations concerning the people involved in handling also call for a structure to be tracked down later on. This contribution deals with handling of modeling in a systematic manner aiming at a traceable data structure being of utmost importance for subsequent use and following-up work.