
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

B. Martens:
"Simulation and Recreation of Lost Public Space";
Talk: Ages of Simulation - AEC Linz, Linz (invited); 01-12-2006 - 01-14-2006.

English abstract:
Reconstruction of no-longer existent synagogues amounts to a "virtual comeback". Irreversible destruction - having permanently removed identity-establishing buildings from the urban surface - is the predominant reason for re-creating them. Following the destruction of the "Reichskristall-Night" of November 1938 the synagogues of the Viennese Jewish community in the commemorative year of 1998 reconstruction activities were initiated. Meanwhile, the number of realized reconstructions has become significant and will be displayed in this work-in-progress report.

Electronic version of the publication: