
Scientific Reports:

F. Callegati, V.L. Alvarez, I. Cerutti, G. Franzl, J.A. Hernandez, M. Klinkowski, P.P. Marino, F. Matera, H. Nakajima, T. Orphanoudakis, N. Skorin-Kapov, M. Tornatore:
"BONE-WP11: Report on Y1 activities and new integration strategy";
Report for European Commission; Report No. FP7-ICT-216863/DEIS-UNIBO/R/PU/D11.1, 2008; 49 pages.

English abstract:
This report focuses on the preliminary results of the joint activities started in the VCE on Network Technologies and
Engineering. The report presents a summary of the organization of the work and of the results achieved in the executive
summary. It then introduces the Joint Activities (JAs) as the most valuable technical contribution of the VCE, reporting a
summary of the ongoing JAs.

German abstract:
Report für Projekt-Leitung / -Kontroller der EU - keine beglaubigte deutsche Übersetzung verfügbar - bitte englischsprachigen Eintrag verwenden.

Networks, Technologies, Engineering

Related Projects:
Project Head Slavisa Aleksic:
BONE: Aufbau von zukünftigen optischen Netzen in Europa