
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

G. Csanyi, Jutta Jerlich, M. Pohl, F. Reichl:
"Formal and Informal Technology Enhanced Learning for Initial and Continuing Engineering Education";
Talk: IACEE 11th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education, Atlanta; 05-20-2008 - 05-23-2008; in: "Proceedings: http://smartech.gatech.edu/handle/1853/24401", SMARTech - Scholary Materials And Research at Georgia Tech, (2008), 6 pages.

English abstract:
The results of two empirical surveys among students and the experiences from an interdisciplinary course show that the success of stimulating informal learning by formal learning offers is a matter of educational design as well as of attitudes towards learners and their personal development. Dialogue and immediate communication, up-to-date and relevant content as well as assignments that fit to the needs and motivations of learners are some necessary conditions for the success of interfacing formal and informal learning within initial curricula and in continuing education.

Electronic version of the publication: