
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

R. Khan, S. Karimzadeh, H. Böck, M. Villa:
"Triga Fuel Burn-Up Calculations Supported By Gamma Scanning";
Talk: Research Reactor Fuel Management, Wien; 2009-03-22 - 2009-03-25; in: "Transactions RRFM 2009", European Nuclear Society, (2009), ISBN: 978-92-95064-07-2; 1 - 5.

English abstract:
High resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy based non-destructive methods is employed to measure spent fuel parameters. By this method, the axial distribution of Cesium-137 has been measured which results in an axial burn up profiles. Knowing the exact irradiation history of the fuel, four spent TRIGA fuel elements have been selected for on-site gamma scanning using a special shielded scanning device developed at the Atominstitute. Each selected fuel element was transferred into the fuel inspection unit using the standard fuel transfer cask. Each fuel element was scanned in one centimetre steps of its active fuel length and the Cesium-137 activity was determined was a proved burn up indicator. The absolute activity of each centimetre was measured and compared with the reactor physics code ORIGEN2.2 results. This code was used to calculate average burn up and isotopic composition of fuel element. The comparison between measured and calculated results shows good agreement.

Electronic version of the publication: