
Publications in Scientific Journals:

D. Giubertoni, G. Pepponi, M. Sahiner, S. Gennaro, M. Bersani, M. Kah, K. Kirkby, R. Doherty, M. Foad, F. Meirer, C. Streli, J. Woicik, P. Pianetta:
"Deactivation of submelt laser annealed arsenic ultrashallow junctions in silicon during subsequent thermal treatment";
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 28/C1B1 (2010), 1 - 5.

English abstract:
The use of nonequilibrium annealing approaches can produce very high levels of arsenic electrical
activation in Si. However, subsequent thermal treatments between 500 and 800 °C easily deactivate
the dopant to a level one order of magnitude below the solid solubility. In this work, the authors
study the deactivation of laser annealed (LA) ultrashallow arsenic distributions in silicon using Hall
effect measurements, extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, and secondary ion mass
spectrometry. Single crystal Si (100) wafers implanted with As ions at 2 keV energy and different
doses were activated with a millisecond LA at 1300 °C using a scanning diode laser annealing
system under nonmelt conditions. The samples were then thermally treated in a furnace at
300-900 °C in a N2 atmosphere for 10 min. Electrical deactivation has been observed for all the
implanted doses but for the lowest one. In particular, it was observed that the higher the As dose the
easier the deactivation, in particular, after the 700 °C post-LA treatment. At 900 °C, in-depth
diffusion and a resulting reactivation has been observed for samples implanted with 1 x 1015 and
3 x 1015 cm−2.

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