
Publications in Scientific Journals:

M. Rupp:
"Pseudo Affine Projection Algorithms Revisited: Robustness and Stability Analysis";
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 59 (2011), 5; 2017 - 2023.

English abstract:
The so-called Affine Projection (AP) algorithm is of
large interest in many adaptive filters applications due to its considerable
speed-up in convergence compared to its simpler version,
the LMS algorithm. While the original AP algorithm is well understood,
gradient type variants of less complexity with relaxed
step-size conditions called pseudo affine projection offer still unresolved
problems. This contribution shows i) local robustness properties
of such algorithms, ii) global properties of these, concluding
l2-stability conditions that are independent of the input signal statistics,
as well as iii) steady-state values of moderate to high accuracy
by relatively simple terms when applied to long filters. Of
particular interest is the existence of lower step-size bounds for one
of the variants, a bound that has not been observed before.

German abstract:
The so-called Affine Projection (AP) algorithm is of
large interest in many adaptive filters applications due to its considerable
speed-up in convergence compared to its simpler version,
the LMS algorithm. While the original AP algorithm is well understood,
gradient type variants of less complexity with relaxed
step-size conditions called pseudo affine projection offer still unresolved
problems. This contribution shows i) local robustness properties
of such algorithms, ii) global properties of these, concluding
l2-stability conditions that are independent of the input signal statistics,
as well as iii) steady-state values of moderate to high accuracy
by relatively simple terms when applied to long filters. Of
particular interest is the existence of lower step-size bounds for one
of the variants, a bound that has not been observed before.

Adaptive filter analysis and design, adaptive gradient type filters, affine projection, error bounds, l2-stability, mismatch, pseudo affine projection

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Related Projects:
Project Head Markus Rupp:
Signal and Information Processing in Science and Engineering - Entwicklungsmethodik