
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

T. Zseby:
"Secure Communication in Smart Grids";
Talk: 4. Fachtagung Communications for Energy Systems (ComForEn), Wien (invited); 09-26-2013; in: "Tagungsband ComForEn 2013 Vierte Fachkonferenz Kommunikation für Energiesysteme", F. Kupzog (ed.); OVE-Schriftenreihe, Nr. 72 (2013), ISBN: 978-3-85133-078-6; 6 pages.

English abstract:
Attacks on smart grid communication can influence control processes and the behavior of devices in the electricity network. Therefore it is crucial to deploy appropriate security solutions to protect smart grid infrastructures against communication network attacks. While a varity of security solutions exist for classical communictaion networks, smart grid communication has some specific characteristics that influence the suitability of existing security concepts. In this paper we discuss these differences and give technical recommendations for secure communication solutions in smart grids.

smart grids, security