
Publications in Scientific Journals:

P. Steckler, F. Gasser, B. Klug, B. Krautzer, W. Wehr:
"Grundlagen für die Begrünung von Gleisanlagen (Teil 1)";
ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau mit ETR Austria, 9 (2013), 77 - 82.

English abstract:
Fundamental principles for planting vegetation on railway lines

In view of the construction of new tram lines in Vienna and due to unsatisfactory experiences with existing green track sections a project to develop a new Viennese green track design has been launched.
The special features of the new green track are slow growth, self-sufficiency and adapted turf. Draught and salt resistant flowering plants of local origin are added to commercial mixtures for dry meadows. Three different seed mixtures have been selected and tested on a small section of existing green track before being deployed on the green track sections of the new tram lines.

Grüngleis, standortgerechte Bepflanzung