
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

A. Psenner:
"Vienna´s historic ground floor and its socio-urban potential - Integrative diversity par-terre?";
Talk: REAL CORP 2011, 16th int. Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society; Change for Stability: Life-Cycles of Cities and Regions. The role and possibilities of Foresighted Planning in Transformation Processes, Essen, Deutschland (invited); 05-18-2011 - 05-20-2011; in: "REAL CORP 2011, change for stability: lifecycles of cities and regions", M. Schrenk, V. Popovich, P. Zeile (ed.); (2011), ISBN: 978-3-9503110-1-3; 8 pages.

English abstract:
Both the scientific discourse and the administrative interventions lately have been concentrating on the potentials of public space; whereas the city´s "semi public" space, the ground floor, has been left aside. The open urban space is being lionised: for one thing the restructuring of the traffic space seems to be forfeit; on the other hand well-financed (mostly globally acting) players strive after the sidewalk areas: shops, small business enterprises, promotion and advertising suppliers occupy the city´s open space with their mobile installations and their stationary kiosks.
In consequence to this and to other market-based (decline of small scale businesses, globalisation etc.) and administrative trends (the so called "parking lot obligation", a misguided funding system etc.), the Viennese ground floor is being progressively depopulated and homogenised.
These structural changes must be (re)directed cautiously in order to prevent the city´s parterre and the adjacent public street space from desolation - as the urban ground level implies the originating potential for an urbanity beyond calculated and factitious mise-en-scène. Therefore this sphere must be prepared and essential social conditions, like the process of integrative diversity (in shape, use, population, etc.) must be accomplished in order to meet current and future requirements.
The Paper discusses the city planning department´s options to impact on both, the architectural structure and the use of the ground floor of the city of Vienna. Based local conditions and the specific historical situation, the methodical approach in addition is covering various disciplines of social science: urban research, migration and diversity research.

"Gründerzeit" - Historic City, Ground Floor, Socio-Urban Process, Integrative Diversity

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