
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

G. Pichler, G. Matz, P. Piantanida:
"A Tight Upper Bound on the Mutual Information of Two Boolean Functions";
Talk: 2016 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Cambridge, UK; 09-11-2016 - 09-14-2016; in: "2016 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW)", IEEE (ed.); (2016), 16 - 20.

English abstract:
Let (X,Y) be a doubly symmetric binary source. For n i.i.d. copies (Xn,Yn) of (X,Y) we show that max[I(f(Xn); g(Yn))]= I(X,Y), where the maximum is over all Boolean functions f, g: {0, 1}n → {0, 1}. This positively resolves a conjecture published by Kumar and Courtade in 2013.

Boolean functions, Mutual Information, Fourier transforms, Binary sequences, Binary codes

"Official" electronic version of the publication (accessed through its Digital Object Identifier - DOI)

Electronic version of the publication: