
Publications in Scientific Journals:

M. Bicher, G. Music, I. Hafner, F. Breitenecker:
"Support of Event-Graph Lectures by the MMT E-learning System";
Simulation Notes Europe, 24 (2014), 1; 47 - 50.

English abstract:
In a lot of technical professions nowadays an advanced education in mathematical modelling and simulation has already become a prerequisite. Therefore universities are required to provide high quality lectures and teaching materials to guarantee the qualification of their graduates within this field of study. for engineering students surely the emphasis has to be laid on discrete-event modelling,as the understandig of event-operation and scheculing provides the base for designing managment and control strategies. Often the concept of event-graph modelling is used to tach the basis of discrete-event simulation in a graphical way. The paper shall give an idea on how methods of event-graph modelling can be taught to students using glended learning concepts. In this special case the e-learning platform MMT (Mathematics, Modelling and Tools) is used, a kind of virtual laboratory for modelling and simulation. The basic ideas of event-graph modelling, how event-graph based examples are prepared for th e-leaning platform and the basic properties of the MMT-sever are furthermore presented in this paper as well as some simple examples are shown in addition.

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