
Publications in Scientific Journals:

G. Janisch, M. Leopoldseder, A. Körner:
"ARGESIM Benchmark C13 'Crane and Embedded Control' with SIMULINK -modelled Dynamics and MATLAB-programmed Control";
Simulation Notes Europe, 25 (2015), 3-4; 207 - 209.

English abstract:
Abstract. ARGESIM Benchmark C13 'Crane and Embedded
Control' is based on nonlinear and a linear continuous
dynamics for a crane crab and on discrete control by a
linear observer model. This solution makes use of the
MATLAB/Simulink system in a `mixedŽ manner. The continuous
dynamics are modelled graphically in the Simulink
environment - using partly connected blocks and partly
MATLAB functions. The discrete control with observer
model and the diagnosis is programmed in MATLAB,
framed by a sampled date discrete submodel in Simulink
connected to the continuous submodels for the dynamics.
This approach allows fast modelling, but deeper insight
into the simulation environment is necessary.
MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment
for numerical computation, visualization, and
programming [1]. It is based on numerical vector and
matrix manipulation. SIMULINK is a graphical block
diagram environment for multidomain simulation and
model-based design [2]. Within Simulink, MATLAB
functions can be used, with high complexity. This solution
makes use of the MATLAB/Simulink system in a
`mixedŽ manner.
The continuous dynamics are modelled graphically
in the Simulink environment - using partly connected
blocks and partly MATLAB functions. The discrete
control with observer model and the diagnosis is programmed
in MATLAB, framed by a sampled date discrete
submodel in Simulink connected to the continuous
submodels for the dynamics.

"Official" electronic version of the publication (accessed through its Digital Object Identifier - DOI)

Electronic version of the publication: