
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

E. Zöchmann, K. Guan, M. Rupp:
"Two-Ray Models in mmWave Communications";
Poster: IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2017), Sapporo, Japan; 07-03-2017 - 07-06-2017; in: "IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2017)", (2017), 1 - 5.

English abstract:
The two-ray model has been used for modelling of
wireless channels already for decades. However, since researchers
and industry are pushing forward to unlock the millimeter
wave bands, we revisited this model. We re-derive the break
point distance based on a generalized first Fresnel zone. The
simplified approximation formula - four times the product of
antenna heights scaled by wavelength - is especially accurate
for millimeter waves, but difficult to verify. We then demonstrate
that the two-ray ground-reflection model can be observed within
many vehicular scenarios and fit ray-tracing data with the two-
ray model. Finally we devise a measurement strategy as well as
the usage of an l1 algorithm for piecewise linear fitting slopes
to the model data. Thereby we are able to show that the break
point distance is indeed a valid modelling parameter and can be
determined accurately.

break point, mmWave, channel modelling, two-ray model, path loss

Electronic version of the publication: