
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

M. Garschall, K. Neureiter, J. Hallewell Haslwanter, D. Bertel, D. Krainer, C. Moser:
"Investigating user-centered design practices in Austrian AAL projects";
Talk: Smarter Lives '16, Innsbruck; 11-29-2016; in: "Innovative Lösungen für eine alternde Gesellschaft - Konferenzbeiträge der SMARTER LIVES 16", Pabst Science Publishers, (2016), ISBN: 978-3-95853-372-1; 125 - 137.

English abstract:
This paper summarizes the results of an online study on stakeholder involvement, usercentered design methods, and communication practices. Overall, 27 Austrian organizations actively involved in innovation projects focusing on the develop-ment of solutions in the field of Active and Assisted Living (AAL) took part in the study. The results reveal a wide involvement of various stakeholders in most projects, however insurance companies and public authorities are rarely actively involved. With regard to methodological approaches, our results show a high literacy on advanced user research methods, but only a limited variety of methods actually applied. Finding a common language and choosing the right ways to communicate user requirements have been identified as a necessity for successful collaboration within AAL project teams.

Electronic version of the publication: