
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

Christoph Müller, Manfred Berthold:
"Bewegende Architektur";
Vortrag: Öffentliches Rigorosum, Universität Wien, Institut für Kunstgeschichte; 16.12.2016.

Kurzfassung englisch:

Bewegende Architektur
Christoph Müller

Manfred Berthold, Margit Gföhler

Do Tank, Montpellier, France

experimonde | die Welt des Experiments
Renolit SE
Fixmetall GmbH
Elra Antriebstechnik GmbH

Culture has changed. From the orchestra in the concert hall, to youngsters in underpants, sitting there with tablets, making their own music with a few clicks. The borders of the museums, the threshold between art and ordinary, vanished a long time ago. Serial production, as a main key to modernism, has changed into the robotic mass production. The counter proposal is a do-it-yourself-movement, generating its own tools for daily life with 3D-printers and receiving tutorials for all possible situations on Youtube. Besides frontal media like television, there has been a rise of social media, enabling anyone to be chief editor. The digital space has expanded and changed the physical one fundamentally. Society, art and technology have become complex constructs, that are interweaved in strong interdependency. Flexible, adaptive and dynamic principles of organization without hierarchy, face the conservative mindset. The ravages of time take their toll on well-known fundamentals. The seemingly solid real estate is an obsolet model in architecture.

The Goal of the research is the development of moving architectural modules. Every single robot, called bAm (bewegende Architekturmodule), has got its own, simple, artificial intelligence. This artificial intelligence enables the bAm to recognize context, communicate with humans, connect with other bAm and finally create interactive space.

There are no overall rules. Every interaction is based on the artificial intelligence of each single bAm. With machine learning, the robots are able to develop themselves further autonomously.

Hierarchy, organization as well as typology are decentralized. The geometry of this architecture is not predefined or controlled in advance. It is happening, following clear rules. A big advantage of this kind of architecture is the adaptivity when confronted with changing context. With disconnecting and reconnecting, the single robots can even react on enormous changes of environment. There is no visible center, no grid and no symmetry that could be broken.

A bAm is able to detect a wide range of possible faults on its own, and tries to fix them autonomously. If a bAm is damaged, it is able to disconnect from the structure. Nearest neighbors will fill the gap. Adaptive, self-organizing and learning architecture is created. The design of the bAm is kept simple. Even amateurs can repair, adapt, or further develop them.

The bAm are not bound to point of views. They are not fixed on sites. In many ways, Bewegende Architektur is the idea of bringing architecture to live.

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