
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

B. Limbacher, M. A. Kainz, S. Schönhuber, M. Wenclawiak, C.G. Derntl, A. M. Andrews, H. Detz, G. Strasser, A. Schwaighofer, B. Lendl, J. Darmo, K. Unterrainer:
"Resonant Tunneling Diodes Strongly Coupled to the Cavity Field";
Poster: Online Conference - International Quantum Cascade Laser School & Workshop (IQCLSW 2020), Zürich; 09-07-2020 - 09-10-2020; in: "Proc. International Quantum Cascade Lasers School & Workshop", (2020).

English abstract:
We demonstrate resonant tunneling diodes, embedded in double metal cavities, strongly coupled to the cavity field, while maintaining their electronic properties. We measure the polariton dispersion and find a relative vacuum Rabi splitting of 11%, which explicitly qualifies for the strong-coupling regime. Additionally, we show that electronic transport has a significant influence on the polaritons by modulating the coupling strength. The merge between electronic transport and polaritonic physics in our devices opens up different perspectives of cavity quantum electro-dynamics and integrated photonics.