
Publications in Scientific Journals:

M. Marinov, B. Rüger, L. Lo:
"A Qualitative Study on Providing Alternative Solutions for Handling the HSR Passengerīs Luggage";
Urban Rail Transit, Jan (2021), 17 pages.

English abstract:
The objective of this paper is to look at the problem of high-speed rail (HSR) passengersī luggage and provide alternative solutions to improve luggage handling. A qualitative study is carried out to assess the current state of HSR practices, analyse existing issues with HSR passenger luggage and provide alternative solutions, including modification of the passenger unit, double-deck rolling stock, an additional train for transporting luggage, and repositioning of passenger seats. Four solutions are discussed that could solve the problem of HSR passenger luggage handling and evaluated from four aspects namely passengers, railway operator, cost and passenger comfort level. The solution of additional trains for transporting luggage may be the preferred solution when compared with other options, without compromising the comfort of the passengers or the profit of the railway company.

baggage solutions, rail vehicles

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