
Publications in Scientific Journals:

I. Gebeshuber:
"Biomimetics-Prospects and Developments";
Biomimetics, 7 (2022), 1, 29; 1 - 7.

English abstract:
Biomimetics is a field that is a little bit different from various other scientific fields, because of its inherent inter- and transdisciplinarity. Biomimetics experts understand the basic biology and current challenges. Furthermore, their goal is to abstract and transfer biological principles into engineering, architecture or art-and eventually in a way the resulting products and processes are sustainable. Such a broad and at the same time deep approach is difficult to realize in a single person. Biomimetics as a field is very attractive to students and the general population. The challenge is how to teach and communicate biomimetics in a way that creates a positive effect for science and society, on various levels. Living nature provides us a glimpse into the possible, into what can be done. Additionally, with curiosity, eagerness and dedication, biomimetics experts can learn from this great master [1]. Conventional innovation generally is incremental-it aims to improve technology by making it faster, cheaper or smaller/larger (i.e., maximization of one or few parameters) instead of optimizing the whole. On the other hand, innovation based on biomimetics can progress by making technology or architecture or the arts better, via respect and love for the biosphere-if sustainability aspects are considered on a deep level. We all, the editors, authors and readers, are the ones to shape the journal for the future, and contribute to determine the way we are going to approach this amazing field.

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