Search parameters:
  • Search in name records for: "teresa liberto" ("teresa liberto" interpreted as a name)
  • Search restricted to types of publications: All
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16 matching records have been found with your search parameters:
16 - Faculty of Civil Engineering


  1. Source: Faculty of Civil Engineering

    T. Liberto, C. Barentin, J. Colombani, A. Costa:
    "Simple ions control the elasticity of calcite gels via interparticle forces";
    Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 553 (2019) 280-288 (2019), 1 - 9.

  2. Source: Faculty of Civil Engineering

    T. Liberto, M. Le Merrer, C. Barentin, M. Bellotto, J. Colombani:
    "Elasticity and yielding of a calcite paste: scaling laws in a dense colloidal suspension";
    Soft Matter, 13 (10) (2017), 2014 - 2023.

  3. Source: Faculty of Civil Engineering

    T. Liberto, M. Le Merrer, S. Manneville, C. Barentin:
    "Interparticle attraction controls flow heterogeneity in calcite gels";
    Soft Matter, 16, 9217 (2020), 9217 - 9229.

  4. Source: Faculty of Civil Engineering

    J. Rodriguez-Sanchez, T. Liberto, C. Barentin, D. Dysthe:
    "Mechanisms of Phase Transformation and Creating Mechanical Strength in a Sustainable Calcium Carbonate Cement";
    Materials, 13, 3582 (2020), 1 - 15.

  5. Source: Faculty of Civil Engineering

    A. Tirella, T. Liberto, A. Ahluwalia:
    "Riboflavin and collagen: New crosslinking methods to tailor the stiffness of hydrogels";
    Materials Letters, 74 (2012), 58 - 61.


  1. Source: Faculty of Civil Engineering

    A. Robisson, T. Liberto, E. Dussan:
    "Suspensions Sedimenting in a Horizontal Annulus - A Model for Oilfield Cements in Horizontal Wells";
    in: "Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials - RheoCon2 & SCC9", Springer, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-22565-0, 52 - 59.

Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

  1. Source: Faculty of Civil Engineering

    T. Liberto, M. Bellotto, A. Robisson:
    "Are alkali activated binder behaviors intermediate between cement and mineral suspensions?";
    Talk: 29. Workshop und Kolloquium an der OTH Regensburg, Regensburg; 2020-03-11 - 2020-03-12; in: "Rheologische Messungen an Baustoffen 2020 - Tagungsband zum 29. Workshop und Kolloquium", (2020), ISBN: 978-3-347-02888-3; 1 - 11.

  2. Source: Faculty of Civil Engineering

    T. Liberto, M. Bellotto, A. Robisson:
    "Proving attraction nature on cementitious materials through oscillatory rheology";
    Talk: 14th Annual European Rheology Conference, Cyberspace; 2021-04-13 - 2021-04-15; in: "AERC 2021 - 14th Annual European Rheology Conference - Book of Abstracts", (2021), 45 - 46.

Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

  1. Source: Faculty of Civil Engineering

    T. Liberto, M. Bellotto, A. Robisson:
    "Small oscillatory rheology and cementitious particle interactions";
    Talk: 75th RILEM Annual Week, virtuell; 2021-08-29 - 2021-09-03.

  2. Source: Faculty of Civil Engineering

    T. Liberto, M. Bellotto, A. Robisson:
    "Small oscillatory rheology and cementitious particle interactions";
    Talk: Plenary meeting of the GDR SLAMM, Biarritz; 2021-11-02 - 2021-11-05.

  3. Source: Faculty of Civil Engineering

    V. Maliqui, D. Daneshvar, T. Liberto, G. Reiter, H. Schichl, J. Kirnbauer, A. Robisson, W. Stöllinger:
    "UHPC Made with Recycled UHPC and Optimized with Al - an Infinite Reusability?";
    Talk: Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2022, Baltimore, USA; 2022-05-31 - 2022-06-03.

  4. Source: Faculty of Civil Engineering

    A. Robisson, T. Liberto, E. Dussan:
    "Suspensions sedimenting in a horizontal annulus: A model for oildfield cements in horizontal wells";
    Talk: Symposium on Cement Sheath Integrity in Oil & Gas Wells - Current Challenges and Future Solutions, virtual event (invited); 2021-03-24 - 2021-03-26.

Dissertationen (eigene und begutachtete):

  1. Source: Faculty of Civil Engineering

    T. Liberto:
    "Physico-chemical study of calcite colloidal suspensions: from macroscopic rheology to microscopic interaction";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: J. Colombani, C. Barentin; Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France, 2018.

Diplom- und Master-Arbeiten (eigene und betreute):

  1. Source: Faculty of Civil Engineering

    V. Kabashi:
    "Pumping of Concrete";
    Supervisor: A. Robisson, T. Liberto; Institut für Werkstofftechnologie, Bauphysik u. Bauökologie E207, Forschungsbereich Baustofflehre & Werkstofftechnologie E207-01, 2022; final examination: 2022-01-21.

  2. Source: Faculty of Civil Engineering

    V. Maliqi:
    "Use of recycled UHPC aggregates in UHPC";
    Supervisor: A. Robisson, D. Daneshvar, J. Kirnbauer, T. Liberto; Institut für Werkstofftechnologie, Bauphysik und Bauökologie E207, Forschungsbereich Baustofflehre & Werkstofftechnologie E207-01, 2021; final examination: 2021-11-26.

  3. Source: Faculty of Civil Engineering

    L. Pointner:
    "Infiltration of cement paste in porous media";
    Supervisor: A. Robisson, T. Liberto; Institut für Werkstofftechnologie, Bauphysik und Bauökologie E207, Forschungsbereich Baustofflehre, Werkstofftechnologie E207-01, 2021.