
    author = {Grasser, Tibor and Reisinger, H. and G{\"o}s, Wolfgang and Aichinger, T. and Hehenberger, Philipp Paul and Wagner, Paul-J{\"u}rgen and Nelhiebel, M. and Franco, J. and Kaczer, Ben},
    title = {{S}witching {O}xide {T}raps as the {M}issing {L}ink {B}etween {N}egative {B}ias {T}emperature {I}nstability and {R}andom {T}elegraph {N}oise},
    booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the {I}{E}{E}{E} {I}nternational {E}lectron {D}evices {M}eeting ({I}{E}{D}{M})},
    year = {2009},
    pages = {1--4},
    url = {http://www.iue.tuwien.ac.at/pdf/ib_2009/CP2009_Grasser_12.pdf},
    doi = {10.1109/IEDM.2009.5424235},
    note = {talk: {I}{E}{E}{E} {I}nternational {E}lectron {D}evices {M}eeting ({I}{E}{D}{M}), {B}altimore, {M}{D}, {U}{S}{A}; 2009-12-07 -- 2009-12-09}

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