
    author = {Tyaginov, S. E. and Starkov, Ivan and Triebl, Oliver and Cervenka, Johann and Jungemann, C. and Carniello, Sara and Park, Jong Mun and Enichlmair, H. and Karner, Markus and Kernstock, Christian and Seebacher, E. and Minixhofer, R. and Ceric, Hajdin and Grasser, Tibor},
    title = {{H}ot-{C}arrier {D}egradation {M}odeling {U}sing {F}ull-{B}and {M}onte-{C}arlo {S}imulations},
    booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 17\textsuperscript{th} {I}nternational {S}ymposium on the {P}hysical {\&} {F}ailure {A}nalysis of {I}ntegrated {C}ircuits},
    year = {2010},
    pages = {341--345},
    url = {http://www.iue.tuwien.ac.at/pdf/ib_2010/CP2010_Tyaginov_2.pdf},
    isbn = {978-1-4244-5595-9},
    note = {talk: {I}{E}{E}{E} {I}nternational {S}ymposium on the {P}hysical and {F}ailure {A}nalysis of {I}ntegrated {C}ircuits ({I}{P}{F}{A}), {S}ingapore; 2010-07-05 -- 2010-07-09}

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