
    author = {Sharma, Prateek and Tyaginov, S. E. and Jech, Markus and Wimmer, Yannick and Rudolf, Florian and Enichlmair, H. and Park, J.M. and Ceric, Hajdin and Grasser, Tibor},
    title = {{T}he {R}ole of {C}old {C}arriers and the {M}ultiple-{C}arrier {P}rocess of {S}i-{H} {B}ond {D}issociation for {H}ot-{C}arrier {D}egradation in n- and p-channel {L}{D}{M}{O}{S} {D}evices},
    journal = {{S}olid-{S}tate {E}lectronics},
    year = {2016},
    volume = {115},
    number = {Part B},
    pages = {185--191},
    url = {http://www.iue.tuwien.ac.at/pdf/ib_2015/JB2015_sharma_2.pdf},
    doi = {10.1016/j.sse.2015.08.014}

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