
    author = {Sokolovic, Igor and Franceschi, Giada and Wang, Zhichang and Xu, Jian and Pavelec, Jiri and Riva, Michele and Schmid, Michael and Diebold, Ulrike and Setvin, Martin},
    title = {{Thermal (in)stability of the bulk-terminated SrTiO{$_{3}$}(001) surface}},
    year = {2021},
    note = {poster presentation: {D}{P}{G}-{F}r{\"u}hjahrstagung ({D}{P}{G} {S}pring {M}eeting) of the {S}urface {S}cience {D}ivision, {S}urface{S}cience21, virtual; 2021-03-03}

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