
    author = {Waltl, Michael and Hernandez, Yoanlys and Schleich, Christian and Waschneck, Katja Anna and Stampfer, Bernhard and Reisinger, H. and Grasser, Tibor},
    title = {{P}erformance {A}nalysis of 4{H}-{S}i{C} {P}seudo-{D} {C}{M}{O}{S} {I}nverter {C}ircuits {E}mploying {P}hysical {C}harge {T}rapping {M}odels},
    booktitle = {{S}ilicon {C}arbide and {R}elated {M}aterials 2021},
    year = {2022},
    editor = {Michaud, Jean Francois and Phung, Luong Viet and Alquier, Daniel and Planson, Dominique},
    pages = {688--695},
    publisher = {{T}rans {T}ech {P}ublications {L}td , {S}witzerland},
    url = {https://www.iue.tuwien.ac.at/pdf/ib_2022/BC2022_Waltl_1.pdf},
    isbn = {9783035727609},
    doi = {10.1002/adma.202201082}

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