
    author = {Knobloch, Theresia and Burkay, Uzlu and Illarionov, Yury and Wang, Zhenxing and Otto, Martin and Filipovic, Lado and Waltl, Michael and Neumaier, Daniel and Lemme, Max C and Grasser, Tibor},
    title = {{I}mproving {S}tability in {T}wo-{D}imensional {T}ransistors with {A}morphous {G}ate {O}xides by {F}ermi-{L}evel {T}uning},
    journal = {{N}ature {E}lectronics},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {5},
    pages = {356--366},
    url = {https://publik.tuwien.ac.at/files/publik_304555.pdf},
    doi = {10.1038/s41928-022-00768-0},
    keywords = {2{D} {M}aterials, {E}lectronic {D}evices}

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