
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

D. Winkler, T Moser, R. Mordinyi, W. Sunindyo, S. Biffl:
"Engineering Object Change Management Process Observation in Distributed Automation Systems Projects";
Vortrag: 18th European System & Software Process Improvement and Innovation (EuroSPI 2011), Roskilde University, Denmark; 27.06.2011 - 29.06.2011; in: "Proceedings of 18th European System & Software Process Improvement and Innovation (EuroSPI 2011)", (2011), S. 1 - 12.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Development processes for automation systems, such as power plants and industrial production
plants, involve several engineering domains, e.g., mechanical, electrical, and software
engineering, as well as artifacts based on heterogeneous tools and data models. Observations
in automation systems development highlighted challenges (a) in the collaboration of engineering
domain experts and (b) in process observation for project monitoring and control
across engineering disciplines and tools. However, efficient data exchange is a pre-condition
for process observation and control and enables efficient collaboration within systems development
projects. Based on the Engineering Service Bus (EngSB) - a middleware platform for
supporting collaboration across tools and domain borders - this paper presents the implementation
of a change management process in an industry showcase at a system integrator in a
power plant engineering domain. First results showed increased flexibility, improved collaboration
capabilities, and the ability to measure process metrics across discipline borders, which
could not easily be measured in common automation systems development processes.

Automation Systems Development, Engineering Service Bus, Process and Project Observation, Engineering Process Improvement.

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