
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

A. Tjoa:
"The use of OPEN LINKED DATA for decision making";
Vortrag: IIT.SRC 2013, Bratislava, Slovakei; 23.04.2013.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The scattered information on the Web can form a global data graph that connects distributed resources and facilitates the discovery of new resources. In this context "Linked Data" introduces some simple and effective principles for publishing and connecting structured data on the Web. "Linked Data" has gained momentum among governments, in the academic and business world, and in the public sector over the last few years. Today a growing number of high quality and public "Linked Data" resources are published on the Web which can benefit the decision makers and authorities at the national and international levels to overcome the data gaps and improve the information availability. In this talk, the recent advancements of "Linked Data" and "Linked Open Data" (LOD) approaches for capturing, managing, and distribution of information will be explored and their potential for addressing the decision makers´ requirements will be highlighted. Furthermore some challenging issues of LOD paradigm such as licensing, trust, and quality assurance will be presented.

Linked Data

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