
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

G. Futschek, P. Prinzinger:
"On the way to a Scientific Informatics Education at Schools - Why Universities should Outreach to Schools";
Vortrag: OCCE 2020, Mumbai; 06.01.2020 - 08.01.2020; in: "OCCE 2020 Book of Abstracts", (2020), S. 44.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Due to the public awareness of digitalization of nearly all aspects
of our life, emerged in many countries the need for a sustainable education of our youth in all aspects of ICT and informatics. The lack of already educated teachers and the missing of suitable subjects in the school curricula would need a strategy plan to overcome this situation. In this paper we describe a strategy how a university can support this movement to a profound informatics education at school. We started in January 2019 with a series of workshops for school classes with the aim to convey understanding of concepts of informatics to both teachers and students. We discuss the different goals of our outreach program and how we want to achieve them. As an example of our workshop activities we present the "Recurring Structures" activity that aims to learn the divide and conquer strategy.

outreach program · informatics education · education achievements

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