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E302 - Institut für Energietechnik und Thermodynamik
E302-01 Thermodynamik und Wärmetechnik
E302-01-1 Thermodynamik und Wärmetechnik
als Autorinnen / Autoren bzw. wesentlich beteiligte Personen

152 Datensätze (1981 - 2022)

Die Publikationen der Fakultät für Maschinenwesen und Betriebswissenschaften sind erst ab dem Jahr 2002 vollzählig in der Publikationsdatenbank enthalten. Publikationen aus den Jahren vor 2002 können, müssen aber nicht in der Datenbank vorhanden sein.


  1. P. Schwarzmayr, F. Birkelbach, R. Hofmann:
    "Dekarbonisierung durch Digitalisierung";
    TUWac Bulletin (eingeladen), 2022/03 (2022), 03; S. 16 - 17.

  2. V. Sulzgruber, M. M. Unterlass, T. Cavalli, H. Walter:
    "Micro Encapsulated Phase Change Material for the Application in Thermal Energy Storage";
    Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 144 (2022), S. 052001-1 - 052001-8.

  3. M. Eckhart, A. Ekelhart, R. Eisl:
    "Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Threat Detection and Response";
    ERCIM NEWS, 127 (2021), 2 S.

  4. D. Huber, E. Haslinger, G. Götzl, K. Ponweiser, P. Biermayr et al.:
    "Niedertemperatur-Wärme- und Kältenetze für denkmalgeschützte Bestandsgebäude mit industrieller Abwärme und Geothermie";
    e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 138 (2021), 4 S.

  5. D. Huber, V. Illyes, K. Ponweiser, G. Götzl et al.:
    "Novel District Heating Systems: Methods and Simulation Results";
    ENERGIES, 14 (2021), 15.

  6. D. Müller, C. Knoll, G. Gravogl, C. Jordan, E. Eitenberger, G. Friedbacher, W. Artner, Jan Welch, A. Werner, M. Harasek, R. Miletich, P. Weinberger:
    "Medium-temperature thermochemical energy storage with transition metal ammoniates - A systematic material comparison";
    Applied Energy, 285 (2021), 116470; S. 1 - 11.

  7. F. Birkelbach, M. Deutsch, A. Werner:
    "The effect of the reaction equilibrium on the kinetics of gas-solid reactions - A non-parametric modeling study.";
    Renewable Energy, 152 (2020), S. 300 - 307.

  8. G. Brunauer, O. Spadiut, A. Gruber, C. Slouka:
    "Yeast Propagation Control: Low Frequency Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy as an Alternative for Cell Counting Chambers in Brewery Applications";
    Chemosensors, 8 (2020), 2; 11 S.

  9. T. Mitterlehner, G. Kartnig, M. Haider:
    "Analysis of the thermal ratcheting phenomenon in packed-bed thermal energy storage using Discrete Element Method";
    FME Transactions, 48 (2020), 2; S. 427 - 431.

  10. T. Mitterlehner, G. Kartnig, M. Haider:
    "Effiziente Festbett-Wärmespeicher - Analyse von thermischen Spannungen mit Hilfe von DEM-Simulationen";
    Technische Logistik, 1 (2020), 2; S. 42 - 44.

  11. T. Mitterlehner, G. Kartnig, M. Haider:
    "Schüttgut-Kalibrierung für die Berechnung thermo-mechanischer Belastungen in Festbett-Wärmespeichern";
    Logistics Journal, 12 (2020), ISSN: 2192-9084; S. 1 - 9.

  12. D. Müller, C. Knoll, G. Gravogl, D. Lager, Jan Welch, E. Eitenberger, G. Friedbacher, A. Werner, W. Artner, M. Harasek, R. Miletich, P. Weinberger:
    "CuSO4/[Cu(NH3)4]SO4-Composite Thermochemical Energy Storage Materials";
    Nanomaterials, 10 (2020), 12; S. 2485 (1-17).

  13. G. Scharinger-Urschitz, P. Schwarzmayr, H. Walter, M. Haider:
    "Partial cycle operation of latent heat storage with finned tubes";
    Applied Energy, 280 (2020), 115893; S. 1 - 11.

  14. L. Sögütoglu, F. Birkelbach, A. Werner, H. Fischer, H. Huinink, O. Adan:
    "Hydration of salts as a two-step process: Water adsorption and hydrate formation";
    Thermochimica Acta, 695 (2020), S. ##.

  15. V. Sulzgruber, D. Wünsch, M. Haider, H. Walter:
    "Numerical investigation on the flow behavior of a novel fluidization based particle thermal energy storage (FP-TES)";
    Energy, 200 (2020), 117528; S. 1 - 8.

  16. V. Sulzgruber, D. Wünsch, H. Walter, M. Haider:
    "FP-TES: Fluidization Based Particle Thermal Energy Storage, Part II: Experimental Investigations";
    ENERGIES, 13 (2020), 4302; S. 1 - 17.

  17. J. Unterluggauer, V. Sulzgruber, E. Doujak, C. Bauer:
    "Experimental and numerical study of a prototype Francis turbine startup";
    Renewable Energy, 157 (2020), S. 1212 - 1221.

  18. D. Wünsch, V. Sulzgruber, M. Haider, H. Walter:
    "FP-TES: A Fluidisation-Based Particle Thermal Energy Storage, Part I: Numerical Investigations and Bulk Heat Conductivity";
    ENERGIES, 13 (2020), 4298; S. 1 - 20.

  19. F. Birkelbach, M. Deutsch, S. Flegkas, F. Winter:
    "NPK 2.0: Introducing tensor decompositions to the kinetic analysis of gas-solid reactions";
    International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 51 (2019), 4; S. 280 - 290.

  20. S. Flegkas, F. Birkelbach, F. Winter, H. Groenewold, A. Werner:
    "Profitability Analysis and Capital Cost Estimation of a Thermochemical Energy Storage System Utilizing Fluidized Bed Reactors and the Reaction System MgO/Mg(OH)2";
    ENERGIES, 12 (2019), 16 S.

  21. G. Gravogl, C. Knoll, W. Artner, Jan Welch, E. Eitenberger, G. Friedbacher, M. Harasek, K. Hradil, A. Werner, P. Weinberger, D. Müller, R. Miletich:
    "Pressure effects on the carbonation of MeO (Me = Co, Mn, Pb, Zn) for thermochemical energy storage";
    Applied Energy, 252 (2019), 113451; S. 1 - 8.

  22. R. Hofmann, V. Halmschlager, M. Koller, G. Scharinger-Urschitz, F. Birkelbach, H. Walter:
    "Comparison of a Physical and a Data-Driven Model of a Packed Bed Regenerator for Industrial Applications";
    Journal of Energy Storage, 23 (2019), S. 558 - 578.

  23. C. Huber, S. Setoodeh Jahromy, C. Jordan, M. Schreiner, M. Harasek, A. Werner, F. Winter:
    "Boric Acid: A High Potential Candidate for Thermochemical Energy Storage";
    ENERGIES, 12 (2019), 17 S.

  24. C. Knoll, D. Müller, W. Artner, Jan Welch, E. Eitenberger, G. Friedbacher, A. Werner, P. Weinberger, M. Harasek:
    "Magnesium oxide from natural magnesite samples as thermochemical energy storage material";
    Energy Procedia, 158 (2019), S. 4861 - 4869.

  25. M. Koller, R. Hofmann, H. Walter:
    "MILP Model for a Packed Bed Sensible Thermal Energy Storage";
    Computers & Chemical Engineering, 125 (2019), S. 40 - 53.

  26. D. Müller, C. Knoll, G. Gravogl, W. Artner, Jan Welch, E. Eitenberger, G. Friedbacher, M. Schreiner, M. Harasek, K. Hradil, A. Werner, R. Miletich, P. Weinberger:
    "Tuning the performance of MgO for thermochemical energy storage by dehydration - From fundamentals to phase impurities";
    Applied Energy, 253 (2019), 113562; S. 1 - 11.

  27. D. Müller, C. Knoll, G. Gravogl, W. Artner, A. Werner, Jan Welch, M. Harasek, R. Miletich, P. Weinberger:
    "Low-temperature carbonatization of metal oxides";
    Energy Procedia, 158 (2019), S. 4870 - 4881.

  28. O. Rekova, N. Pelzmann, P. Mandl, H. Ecker, A. Körner, M. Bicher, F. Breitenecker:
    "ARGESIM Benchmark C11 ´SCARA Robot´: Comparison of Basic Implementations in EXCEL and MATLAB";
    Simulation Notes Europe, 29 (2019), 3; S. 149 - 158.

  29. G. Scharinger-Urschitz, H. Walter, M. Haider:
    "Heat Transfer in Latent High-Temperature Thermal Energy Storage Systems-Experimental Investigation";
    ENERGIES, 12 (2019), 7; S. 1 - 19.

  30. S. Setoodeh Jahromy, M. Azam, F. Huber, C. Jordan, F. Wesenauer, C. Huber, S. Naghdi, K. Schwendtner, E. Neuwirth, T. Laminger, D. Eder, A. Werner, M. Harasek, F. Winter:
    "Comparing Fly Ash Samples from Different Types of Incinerators for Their Potential as Storage Materials for Thermochemical Energy and CO2";
    Materials, 12 (2019), 20; 24 S.

  31. S. Setoodeh Jahromy, F. Birkelbach, C. Jordan, C. Huber, M. Harasek, A. Werner, F. Winter:
    "Impact of Partial Pressure, Conversion, and Temperature on the Oxidation Reaction Kinetics of Cu2O to CuO in Thermochemical Energy Storage";
    ENERGIES, 12 (2019), 3; 15 S.

  32. S. Setoodeh Jahromy, C. Jordan, M. Azam, A. Werner, M. Harasek, F. Winter:
    "Fly Ash from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration as a Potential Thermochemical Energy Storage Material";
    Energy & Fuels, 33 (2019), 7; S. 5810 - 5819.

  33. A. Viernstein, M. Kubicek, M. Morgenbesser, G. Walch, G. Brunauer, J. Fleig:
    "High-Temperature Photochromism of Fe-Doped SrTiO3 Caused by UV-Induced Bulk Stoichiometry Changes";
    Advanced Functional Materials, 1900196 (2019), S. 1 - 11.

  34. F. Birkelbach, M. Deutsch, S. Flegkas, F. Winter, A. Werner:
    "A higher-order generalization of the NPK-method";
    Thermochimica Acta, 661 (2018), S. 27 - 33.

  35. S. Flegkas, F. Birkelbach, F. Winter, N. Freiberger, A. Werner:
    "Fluidized bed reactors for solid-gas thermochemical energy storage concepts - Modelling and process limitations";
    Energy, 143 (2018), S. 615 - 623.

  36. G. Gravogl, C. Knoll, Jan Welch, W. Artner, N. Freiberger, R. Nilica, E. Eitenberger, G. Friedbacher, M. Harasek, A. Werner, K. Hradil, H. Peterlik, P. Weinberger, D. Müller, R. Miletich:
    "Cycle Stability and Hydration Behavior of Magnesium Oxide and Its Dependence on the Precursor-Related Particle Morphology";
    Nanomaterials, 8 (2018), S. 795.

  37. T. Gröbl, H. Walter:
    "Mathematical Modeling of a Biomass Steam Gasifier-A Modified Equilibrium Approach";
    Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 140 (2018), 4; S. 041806-1 - 041806-18.

  38. R. Hofmann, P. Linzner, H. Walter, T. Will:
    "New approximation algorithms for the state functions of water and steam for the application of transient processes and fast on-line applications";
    Energy, 164 (2018), 164; S. 1079 - 1096.

  39. S. Krimmel, A. Stamatiou, J. Worlitschek, H. Walter:
    "Experimental Characterization of the Heat Transfer in a latent Direct Contact Thermal Energy Storage with One Nozzle in Labor Scale";
    International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 3 (2018), S. 83 - 97.

  40. D. Lager, W. Hohenauer, C. Knoll, P. Weinberger, A. Werner:
    "Methodology to determine the apparent specific heat capacity of metal hydroxides for thermochemical energy storage";
    Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 133 (2018), S. 207 - 215.

  41. D. Müller, C. Knoll, T. Ruh, W. Artner, Jan Welch, H. Peterlik, E. Eitenberger, G. Friedbacher, M. Harasek, P. Blaha, K. Hradil, A. Werner, P. Weinberger:
    "Calcium Doping Facilitates Water Dissociation in Magnesium Oxide";
    Advanced Sustainable Systems, 2 (2018), 1; S. 17000961 - 17000966.

  42. D. Müller, C. Knoll, T. Ruh, W. Artner, Jan Welch, H. Peterlik, E. Eitenberger, G. Friedbacher, M. Harasek, P. Blaha, K. Hradil, A. Werner, P. Weinberger:
    "Thermochemical Energy Storage: Calcium Doping Facilitates Water Dissociation in Magnesium Oxide (Adv. Sustainable Syst. 1/2018)";
    Advanced Sustainable Systems, 2 (2018), 1.

  43. A. Wachter-Welzl, J. Kirowitz, R. Wagner, S. Smetaczek, G. Brunauer, M. Bonta, D. Rettenwander, St. Taibl, A. Limbeck, G. Amthauer, J. Fleig:
    "The origin of conductivity variations in Al-stabilized Li7La3Zr2O12 ceramics";
    Solid State Ionics, 319 (2018), S. 203 - 208.

  44. H. Walter, N. Strohmayer, M. Hameter:
    "One dimensional mathematical model for a thermocline energy storage device";
    International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 3 (2018), S. 75 - 82.

  45. M. Deutsch, F. Birkelbach, C. Knoll, M. Harasek, A. Werner, F. Winter:
    "An extension of the NPK method to include the pressure dependency of solid state reactions";
    Thermochimica Acta, 654 (2017), S. 168 - 178.

  46. G. Gravogl, C. Knoll, W. Artner, E. Eitenberger, G. Friedbacher, A. Werner, M. Harasek, P. Weinberger, D. Müller, R. Miletich:
    "Moisture-triggered ambient-temperature carbonatization of main group II metal oxides under elevated CO2 pressure";
    ISES Solar World Congress Proceedings, 1 (2017), S. 799 - 810.

  47. M. Hämmerle, M. Haider, R. Willinger, K. Schwaiger, R. Eisl, K. Schenzel:
    "Saline Cavern Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage Using Sand as Heat Storage Material";
    Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 5 (2017), 1; S. 32 - 45.

  48. C. Knoll, G. Gravogl, W. Artner, E. Eitenberger, G. Friedbacher, A. Werner, R. Miletich, P. Weinberger, D. Müller, M. Harasek:
    "Metal oxides for thermochemical energy storage - From gas-triggered isothermal cycling to low-temperature applications with increased O2 pressure";
    ISES Solar World Congress Proceedings, 1 (2017), S. 811 - 820.

  49. C. Knoll, D. Müller, W. Artner, Jan Welch, A. Werner, M. Harasek, P. Weinberger:
    "Probing cycle stability and reversibility in thermochemical energy storage - CaC2O4.H2O as perfect match?";
    Applied Energy, 187 (2017), S. 1 - 9.

  50. D. Müller, C. Knoll, W. Artner, M. Harasek, C. Gierl-Mayer, Jan Welch, A. Werner, P. Weinberger:
    "Combining in-situ X-ray diffraction with thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry - An investigation of Co3O4, MnO2 and PbO2 for thermochemical energy storage";
    Solar Energy, 153 (2017), S. 11 - 24.

  51. D. Müller, C. Knoll, G. Gravogl, A. Werner, M. Harasek, R. Miletich, P. Weinberger:
    "Lab-scale demonstration of thermochemical energy storage with NH3 and impregnated-loaded zeolites";
    ISES Solar World Congress Proceedings, 1 (2017), S. 828 - 836.

  52. C. Slouka, G. Brunauer, J. Kopp, M. Strahammer, J. Fricke, J. Fleig, C. Herwig:
    "Low-Frequency Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy as a Monitoring Tool for Yeast Growth in Industrial Brewing Processes";
    Chemosensors, 5 (2017), 3; 14 S.

  53. P. Smolek, I. Leobner, G. Gourlis, B. Mörzinger, B. Heinzl, K. Ponweiser:
    "Hybrid Building Performance Simulation Models for Industrial Energy Efficiency Applications";
    Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, In Press (2017), S. 1 - 13.

  54. P. Steiner, K. Schwaiger, M. Haider, H. Walter:
    "System analysis of central receiver concepts with high temperature thermal energy storages: Receiver technologies and storage cycles";
    AIP Conference Proceedings - American Institute of Physics, 1850 (2017), 1; S. 110015-1 - 110015-8.

  55. G. Walch, B. Rotter, G. Brunauer, E. Esmaeili, A.K. Opitz, M. Kubicek, J. Summhammer, K. Ponweiser, J. Fleig:
    "A solid oxide photoelectrochemical cell with UV light-driven oxygen storage in mixed conducting electrodes";
    Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (2017), S. 1637 - 1649.

  56. C. Zauner, F. Hengstberger, B. Mörzinger, R. Hofmann, H. Walter:
    "Experimental characterization and simulation of a hybrid sensibile-latent heat storage";
    Applied Energy, 189 (2017), S. 506 - 519.

  57. G. Brunauer, B. Rotter, G. Walch, E. Esmaeili, A.K. Opitz, K. Ponweiser, J. Summhammer, J. Fleig:
    "UV-Light-Driven Oxygen Pumping in a High-Temperature Solid Oxide Photoelectrochemical Cell";
    Advanced Functional Materials, 26 (2016), S. 120 - 128.

  58. M. Deutsch, D. Müller, C. Aumeyr, C. Jordan, C. Gierl-Mayer, P. Weinberger, F. Winter, A. Werner:
    "Systematic search algorithm for potential thermochemical energy storage systems";
    Applied Energy, 183 (2016), S. 113 - 120.

  59. J. Fleig, G. Walch, G. Brunauer, B. Rotter, E. Esmaeili, J. Summhammer, A.K. Opitz, K. Ponweiser:
    "Mixed Conductors under Light: On the Way to Solid Oxide Photo-Electrochemical Cells";
    ECS Transactions, 72 (2016), 7; S. 23 - 33.

  60. M. Fraubaum, H. Walter, C. Zuber:
    "Kinetic modeling of a combined tar removal and methanation reactor for biogenous synthesis gas at medium temperature conditions";
    Fuel Processing Technology, 141 (2016), S. 159 - 166.

  61. R. Hofmann, S. Dusek, M. Koller, H. Walter:
    "Flexibilisierungspotenzial für Energieanlagen in der Industrie. Intelligentes Demand-Side-Management durch Integration von thermischen Speichern - Teil 1";
    BWK, 68 (2016), 9; S. 6 - 11.

  62. R. Hofmann, M. Haider, S. Dusek, M. Koller, H. Walter:
    "Integration von thermischen Speichertechnologien als Flexibilisierungsmaßnahme für industrielle Energieanlagen";
    VGB PowerTech, 96 (2016), 8; S. 27 - 35.

  63. R. Hofmann, M. Koller, S. Dusek, H. Walter:
    "Flexibilisierungspotenzial für Energieanlagen in der Industrie. Intelligentes Demand-Side-Management durch Integration von thermischen Speichern - Teil 2";
    BWK, 68 (2016), 10; S. 32 - 37.

  64. M. Koller, H. Walter, M. Hameter:
    "Transient Numerical Simulation of the Melting and Solidification Behavior of NaNO3 Using a Wire Matrix for Enhancing the Heat Transfer";
    ENERGIES, 9 (2016), 205; S. 1 - 18.

  65. J. Nagler:
    "P2H-Pot Potentiale für Power-to-Heat im urbanen Raum";
    Energy Innovation Austria, 4 (2016), S. 6.

  66. G. Scharinger-Urschitz, H. Walter, J. Brier:
    "Experimental investigation on bimetallic tube compositions for the use in latent heat thermal energy storage units";
    Energy Conversion and Management, 125 (2016), S. 368 - 378.

  67. A. Schirrer, M. Brandstetter, I. Leobner, S. Hauer, M. Kozek:
    "Nonlinear model predictive control for a heating and cooling system of a low-energy office building";
    Energy and Buildings, 125 (2016), S. 86 - 98.

  68. C. Slouka, D. Wurm, G. Brunauer, A. Welzl-Wachter, O. Spadiut, J. Fleig, C. Herwig:
    "A Novel Application for Low Frequency Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy as an Online Process Monitoring Tool for Viable Cell Concentrations";
    Sensors, 16 (2016), 12 S.

  69. P. Smolek, I. Leobner, B. Heinzl, G. Gourlis, K. Ponweiser:
    "A Method for Real-Time Aggregation of a Product Footprint during Manufacturing";
    Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 4 (2016), 4; S. 360 - 378.

  70. M. Unseld, W. Scheithauer, R. Weigl, G. Kornek, N. Stranzl, D. Bianconi, G. Brunauer, G. Steger, C. Zielinski, G. Prager:
    "Nab-paclitaxel as alternative treatment regimen in advanced cholangiocellular carcinoma";
    Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology, 7 (2016), 4; S. 588 - 594.

  71. C. Zauner, F. Hengstberger, M. Etzel, D. Lager, R. Hofmann, H. Walter:
    "Experimental characterization and simulation of a fin-tube latent heat storage using high density polyethylene as PMC";
    Applied Energy, 179 (2016), S. 237 - 246.

  72. R. Abdiwe, M. Haider:
    "Investigation on the Exergy Performance of a Central Receiver Power Plant";
    Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications, 5 (2015), 2; S. 1 - 6.

  73. R. Abdiwe, M. Haider:
    "Investigations on Heat Loss in Solar Tower Receivers with Wind Speed Variation";
    International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy, 4 (2015), 4; S. 159 - 165.

  74. K. Schwaiger, M. Haider, M. Hämmerle, P. Steiner, H. Walter, D. Obermaier:
    "Fluidized bed steam generators for direct particle absorption CSP-plants";
    Energy Procedia, 69 (2015), S. 1421 - 1430.

  75. H. Walter, A. Beck, M. Hameter:
    "Influence of the Fin Design on the Melting and Solidification Process of NaNO3 in a Thermal Energy Storage System";
    Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 9 (2015), 11; S. 913 - 928.

  76. F. Bleicher, F. Dür, I. Leobner, I. Kovacic, B. Heinzl, W. Kastner:
    "Co-simulation environment for optimizing energy efficiency in production systems";
    CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 63 (2014), 1; S. 441 - 444.

  77. C. Jordan, T. Fellner, C. Aumeyr:
    "Systematische Materialforschung für thermochemische Energiespeicher- SolidHeat Basic";
    Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 86 (2014), 9; S. 1428.

  78. I. Kovacic, I. Leobner:
    "Integrierte Simulation - ganzheitlicher Ansatz für die energieeffiziente Fertigung";
    Ernst und Sohn Special 2014: Industrie und Gewerbebauten (eingeladen), 1 (2014), A61029; S. 17 - 20.

  79. N. Popper, I. Hafner, M. Rössler, F. J. Preyser, B. Heinzl, P. Smolek, I. Leobner:
    "A General Concept for Description of Production Plants";
    Simulation Notes Europe SNE, 24(2) (2014), S. 105 - 114.

  80. G. Scharinger-Urschitz, H. Walter, M. Hameter:
    "Laboratory Test Rig of a LHTES (Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage): Construction and First Experimental Results";
    Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 8 (2014), 11; S. 1838 - 1847.

  81. T. Steinparzer, M. Haider, F. Zauner, G. Enickl, M. Michele-Naussed, A. Horn:
    "Electric arc furnace off-gas heat recovery and experience with a testing plant";
    Steel Research International, 85 (2014), 4; S. 519 - 526.

  82. M. Geier, C. Shaddix, F. Holzleithner:
    "A mechanistic char oxidation model consistent with observed CO2/CO production ratios";
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34 (2013), 2; S. 2411 - 2418.

  83. M. Haider, A. Werner:
    "An overview of state of the art and research in the fields of sensible, latent and thermo-chemical thermal energy storage";
    e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 130 (2013), 6; S. 153 - 160.

  84. T. Henrion, K. Ponweiser, D. Band, T. Telgen:
    "Dynamic simulation of a solar power plant steam generation system";
    Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 33 (2013), EUROSIM 2010; S. 2 - 17.

  85. D. Krejci, A. Woschnak, C. Scharlemann, K. Ponweiser:
    "Performance Assessment of 1 N Bipropellant Thruster Using Green Propellants H2O2/Kerosene";
    Journal of Propulsion and Power, 29 (2013), 1; S. 285 - 289.

  86. D. Krejci, A. Woschnak, M. Schiebl, C. Scharlemann, K. Ponweiser, R. Brahmi, Y. Batonneau, C. Kappenstein:
    "Assessment of Catalysts for Hydrogen-Peroxide-Based Thrusters in a Flow Reactor";
    Journal of Propulsion and Power, 29 (2013), 2; S. 321 - 330.

  87. I. Lichtenegger, I. Kovacic, I. Leobner, M. Sreckovic:
    "Ökonomische Netzwerke im Einsatz für grüne Produktion";
    GREEN LIFE/ der Standard (eingeladen), 1 (2013), S. 25 - 26.

  88. S. Posch, M. Haider:
    "Dynamic modeling of CO2 absorption from coal-fired power plants into an aqueous monoethanolamine solution";
    Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 91 (2013), 6; S. 977 - 987.

  89. C. Shaddix, F. Holzleithner, M. Geier, B. Haynes:
    "Numerical assessment of Tognotti determination of CO2/CO production ratio during char oxidation";
    Combustion and Flame, 160 (2013), 9; S. 1827 - 1834.

  90. T. Steinparzer, M. Haider, G. Enickl, F. Zauner:
    "Wärmerückgewinnung am Elektrolichtbogenofen und erste Erkenntnisse einer Versuchsanlage zur Materialuntersuchung";
    Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte (BHM), 158 (2013), 11; S. 477 - 478.

  91. T. Steinparzer, M. Haider, G. Wimmer, R. Stadlmayr:
    "Modeling and simulation results for heat recovery steam generators at steelmaking";
    International Journal Automation Austria IJAA, 21 (2013), 1; S. 1 - 11.

  92. G. Gallmetzer, P. Ackermann, A. Schweiger, T. Kienberger, T. Gröbl, H. Walter, M. Zankl, M. Kröner:
    "The agnion Heatpipe-Reformer-operating experiences and evaluation of fuel conversion and syngas composition";
    Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2 (2012), 3; S. 207 - 215.

  93. T. Gröbl, H. Walter, M. Haider:
    "Biomass steam gasification for production of SNG - Process design and sensivity analysis";
    Applied Energy, 97 (2012), S. 451 - 461.

  94. R. Hofmann, T. Walch, A. Kolbitsch, H. Walter, C. Daublebsky von Eichhain:
    "Betriebsverhalten und Anströmoptimierung der Zuströmkanäle eines Abhitzedampferzeugers";
    VGB PowerTech, 92 (2012), 11; S. 71 - 78.

  95. R. Hofmann, H. Walter:
    "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Gas Side Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Finned Tubes - Part 1: Experimental Analysis";
    Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 4 (2012), 4; S. 041007-1 - 041007-11.

  96. R. Hofmann, H. Walter:
    "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Gas Side Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Finned Tubes - Part 2: Numerical Analysis";
    Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 4 (2012), 4; S. 041008-1 - 041008-11.

  97. D. Krejci, A. Woschnak, C. Scharlemann, K. Ponweiser:
    "Structural impact of honeycomb catalysts on hydrogen peroxide decomposition for micro propulsion";
    Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 90 (2012), 12; S. 2302 - 2315.

  98. S. Posch, M. Haider:
    "Optimization of CO2 compression and purification units (CO2CPU) for CCS power plants";
    Fuel, 101 (2012), 101; S. 254 - 263.

  99. K. Schwaiger, M. Haider, F. Holzleithner, R. Eisl:
    "A comparison between passive regenerative and active fluidized bed thermal energy storage systems";
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 395 (2012), 395; 8 S.

  100. T. Steinparzer, M. Haider, A. Fleischanderl, G. Enickl, A. Hampel, F. Zauner, T. Gröbl:
    "Concepts and simulation results for heat recovery plants based on thermal energy storage systems for electric arc furnaces";
    stahl und eisen, 132 (2012), 11; S. 78 - 89.

  101. T. Steinparzer, M. Haider, A. Fleischanderl, A. Hampel, G. Enickl, F. Zauner:
    "Heat exchangers and thermal energy storage concepts for the off-gas heat of steelmaking devices";
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 395 (2012), 395; 8 S.

  102. M. Vivar, M. Clarke, J. Pye, V. Everett:
    "A review of standards for hybrid CPV-thermal systems";
    Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16 (2012), 1; S. 443 - 448.

  103. H. Walter, C. Dobias, F. Holzleithner, R. Hofmann:
    "Fluid flow in channels between two gas turbines and heat recovery steam generator - a theoretical investigation";
    WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on FLUID MECHANICS, 6 (2011), 4; S. 257 - 269.

  104. H. Walter, R. Hofmann:
    "How can the heat transfer correlations for finned-tubes influence the numerical simulation of the dynamic behavior of a heat recovery steam generator?";
    Applied Thermal Engineering, 31 (2011), 4; S. 405 - 417.

  105. M. Hartl, M. Haider, K. Ponweiser, J. Höfler:
    "Konzentrierende Solartechnik für Kraft-, Wärme- und Kältekopplung";
    e&i, 126 (2009), 3; S. 111 - 116.

  106. D. Wertz, W. Straka, K. Ponweiser, M. Haider:
    "Neue Perspektiven in der Erdwärmetechnik";
    e&i, 126 (2009), 3; S. 117 - 125.

  107. F. Binder, A. Werner:
    "Probenahme aus Wirbelschichten";
    Schüttgut, 13 (2007), 1; S. 28 - 36.

  108. R. Hofmann, F. Fraß, K. Ponweiser:
    "Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Performance Comparison of Finned-Tube Bundles in Forced Convection";
    WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on HEAT and MASS TRANSFER (eingeladen), 2 (2007), 4; S. 72 - 88.

  109. H. Walter:
    "Density Wave Oszillation in the Horizontal Parallel Tube Paths of the Evaporator of a Natural Circulation Heat Recovery Steam Generator - A Theoretical Investigation";
    WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on HEAT and MASS TRANSFER, 2 (2007), 2; S. 17 - 27.

  110. H. Walter:
    "Dynamic Flow Instability of Natural Circulation Heat Recovery Steam Generators";
    International Journal of Transport Phenomena, 9 (2007), 2; S. 119 - 132.

  111. H. Walter:
    "Dynamic simulation of natural circulation steam generators with the use of finite-volume-algorithms - A comparison of four algorithms";
    Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 15 (2007), S. 565 - 588.

  112. F. Binder, A. Werner:
    "Characterization of the Solids Inventory and the Changing of the Size Distribution During Operation of a PCFB Combustor";
    WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on HEAT and MASS TRANSFER, 1 (2006), 4; S. 541 - 547.

  113. F. Binder, A. Werner:
    "Sampling of Solids in a Combustor";
    bulk solids handling, 26 (2006), 7; S. 476 - 483.

  114. R. Hofmann, F. Binder, A. Werner:
    "Development of a Sampling System for Solid Materials from a Fluidized Bed Reactor under Varying Operating Conditions (in chinese)";
    Powder and Bulk International (Chinese Edition), 1 (2006), S. 43 - 48.

  115. R. Hofmann, F. Binder, A. Werner:
    "Entwicklung eines Probenahmesystems für Schüttgüter in einer Wirbelschichtanlage mit unterschiedlichen Betriebsbedingungen";
    Schüttgut, 12 (2006), 1; S. 24 - 31.

  116. O. Sikula, K. Ponweiser:
    "Modelling of Heat Transfer in the Field of Technical Facility Equipment and Calculation Using Modern Techniques";
    Stavebni Obzor, 15 (2006), 3; S. 79 - 83.

  117. H. Walter:
    "Theoretical Stability Analysis of a Natural Circulation Two-Pass Steam Generator: Influence of the Heating Profile and Operation Pressure";
    WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on HEAT and MASS TRANSFER, 1 (2006), 3; S. 274 - 282.

  118. H. Walter, W. Linzer:
    "Flow Stability of Heat Recovery Steam Generators";
    Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 128 (2006), S. 840 - 848.

  119. H. Walter, W. Linzer:
    "Investigation of the stability of a natural circulation two-pass boiler";
    Heat and Mass Transfer, 42 (2006), 6; S. 562 - 568.

  120. H. Walter, W. Linzer:
    "Reverse Flow in Natural Circulation Systems with Unequally Heated Tubes";
    WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on HEAT and MASS TRANSFER, 1 (2006), S. 3 - 10.

  121. H. Walter, W. Linzer:
    "The influence of the operating pressure on the stability of natural circulation systems";
    Applied Thermal Engineering, 26 (2006), 8/9; S. 892 - 897.

  122. R. Hofmann, F. Binder, A. Werner:
    "Development of a Sampling System for Solid Materials from a Fluidized Bed Reactor under Varying Operating Conditions";
    bulk solids handling, Volume 25 (2005), No. 6; S. 378 - 385.

  123. K. Ponweiser, H. Christoph:
    "More on impingement drying";
    ipw, 1 (2005), S. 21 - 22.

  124. H. Walter, W. Linzer:
    "Numerical Simulation of a Three Stage Natural Circulation Heat Recovery Steam Generator";
    IASME TRANSACTIONS, Vol. 2 (2005), Nr. 8; S. 1343 - 1349.

  125. K. Ponweiser, W. Linzer, M. Malinovec:
    "Performance Comparison Between Wire Coal and Twisted Tape Inserts";
    Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer (eingeladen), Vol. 11 (2004), No. 4; S. 359 - 370.

  126. H. Walter, A. Glaninger:
    "Berechnung von Rohrnetzwerken mit Baumstruktur";
    KI Luft- und Kältetechnik, 11/2004 (2004), S. 460 - 464.

  127. W. Linzer, H. Walter:
    "Flow reversal in natural circulation systems";
    Applied Thermal Engineering, 23 (2003), S. 2363 - 2372.

  128. K. Ponweiser, M. Malinovec, W. Linzer:
    "Wärmeübergang und Druckverlust in Rohren mit Drahtwendel-Turbulatoren";
    Chemie Ingenieur Technik (eingeladen), 74 (2002), 11; S. 1572 - 1576.

  129. A. Werner:
    "Solid distribution as a basis for modeling of heat transfer in circulating fluidized bed boilers";
    Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 25 (2000), S. 269 - 276.

  130. A. Engelmann, W. Linzer:
    "Wärmeübertragung in Fußböden mit waagrechten Luftspalten";
    KI Luft- und Kältetechnik, 33 (1997), 8; S. 350 - 354.

  131. K. Ponweiser, W. Linzer, Y. Josifi:
    "Stabilitätsbetrachtungen an einem Dampferzeuger mit einem Zwei-Trommel-Bündel";
    VGB Kraftwerkstechnik, 77 (1997), 3; S. 168 - 170.

  132. K. Ponweiser, N. Sigmund:
    "Zur Behandlung der Wärmeübertragung durch Strahlung im Rahmen technischer Anwendungen";
    Brennstoff Wärme Kraft, 48 (1996), 3; S. 49 - 54.

  133. A. Engelmann, K. Ponweiser, T. Gutmann:
    "Einsatz von CASE-Tools am Institut für Technische Wärmelehre";
    Pipeline, 5/94 (1994), 13; S. 35 - 36.

  134. K. Ponweiser, W. Linzer, E. Weinmüller, P. Szmolyan:
    "Numerical Simulation of a Natural Circulation Steam Generator";
    Annals of Num. Math., 1 (1994), S. 483 - 490.

  135. K. Ponweiser, H. Walter:
    "Die thermodynamischen Zustandsgrößen von Wasser und Wasserdampf und deren partielle Ableitungen in unterschiedlichen Darstellungsformen";
    Brennstoff Wärme Kraft, 46 (1994), 1/2; S. 53 - 55.

  136. A. Glatzer, M. Haider:
    "Axiale Feststoffverteilung in zirkulierenden Wirbelschichten";
    Brennstoff Wärme Kraft, 45 (1993), 9; S. 381 - 385.

  137. W. Linzer, K. Ponweiser, P. Szmolyan, E. Weinmüller:
    "Dynamisches Verhalten von Naturumlauf-Dampferzeugern";
    BWK (Brennstoff, Wärme, Kraft), Zeitschrift des VDI für Energietechnik und Energiewirtschaft, 7/8 (1993), S. 341 - 343.

  138. K. Ponweiser, W. Linzer, E. Weinmüller, P. Szmolyan:
    "Ein Beitrag zur numerischen Simulation des dynamischen Verhaltens von Naturumlauf-Dampferzeugern";
    Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, 6 (1993), 284; S. 1 - 70.

  139. F. Fraß, W. Linzer:
    "Wärmeübergangsprobleme an querangeströmten Rippenrohrbündeln";
    Brennstoff Wärme Kraft, 44 (1992), 7/8; S. 333 - 336.

  140. W. Linzer, J. Wiesenberger:
    "Gestaltung von Rauchgaszügen in Müllverbrennungsanlagen";
    VGB Kraftwerkstechnik, 72 (1992), 6; S. 527 - 530.

  141. W. Linzer:
    Österreichische Hochschulzeitung, 43 (1991), 7; S. 10 - 11.

  142. W. Linzer, G. Scheffknecht:
    "Wärmespannungen in Rohrböden - Teil 1: Ermittlung der Wärmespannungen an der Verbindungsstelle Rohr-Rohrbodenkonstruktion";
    VGB Kraftwerkstechnik, 69 (1989), 4; S. 379 - 384.

  143. G. Scheffknecht:
    "Wärmespannungen in Rohrböden - Teil II: Verallgemeinerte Darstellung der Wärmespannungen in Rohr-Rohrbodenkonstruktion";
    VGB Kraftwerkstechnik, 69 (1989), 5; S. 531 - 536.

  144. W. Alince:
    "Ein Beitrag zur Auslegung von Wärmespeichern";
    Gesundheits Ingenieur, 109 (1988), 1; S. 29 - 33.

  145. G. Scheffknecht, W. Linzer, J. Granner:
    "Theoretische Untersuchung eines Heizsystems mit Paraffinspeicher und Wärmepumpe";
    KI Klima Kälte Heizung, 15 (1987), 7-8; S. 325 - 332.

  146. W. Linzer, G. Scheffknecht:
    "Berechnung von Wärmespannungen in Rohrböden";
    VGB Kraftwerkstechnik, 66 (1986), 12; S. 1190 - 1194.

  147. W. Linzer, J. Wiesenberger:
    "Ermittlung der Temperaturverteilung in beheizten Bauteilen mit Hilfe von Ähnlichkeitsbetrachtungen";
    VGB Kraftwerkstechnik, 65 (1985), 6; S. 584 - 586.

  148. J. Wiesenberger:
    "Bestimmung der Winkelverhältnisse für Flossenwände mit vorgelagerten Schutzrohren";
    VGB Kraftwerkstechnik, 65 (1985), 2; S. 127 - 129.

  149. P. Nowotny:
    "Ein Beitrag zum Phänomen der Strömungsumkehr in Verdampferrohren";
    Brennstoff Wärme Kraft, 35 (1983), 3; S. 94 - 99.

  150. W. Rogner:
    "Energieeinsparungen im Sandoz Forschungsinstitut Wien";
    Wärme, 89 (1983), 2; S. 29 - 30.

  151. F. Fraß:
    "Vorausberechnung des Reibungsdruckverlustes für Zweiphasenströmung im horizontalen Rohr";
    Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 53 (1981), 1; S. 64 - 65.

  152. P. Nowotny:
    "Rationelle und sparsame Energienutzung im Betrieb";
    Energie Aktuell, 5 (1981), 5 + 6; S. 16 - 22.